Destiny 2 Season Of The Worthy Hub
Season of the Worthy is the tenth season to come to Destiny 2. At the time of writing we’re sitting in Season of Dawn looking forward to starting this next season in just a couple of weeks. This page will be your hub for all the exciting news and other fun and informative articles that we’re going to put together for Season of the Worthy.

Season of the Worthy is the tenth season to come to Destiny 2. At the time of writing we’re sitting in Season of Dawn looking forward to starting this next season in just a couple of weeks. This page will be your hub for all the exciting news and other fun and informative articles that we’re going to put together for Season of the Worthy.
Now that the season has begun we’ve got some guides to help you along the way. First is this guide for getting started and grabbing the new seasonal artifact, Warmind Khanjali.
We also have a guide for how Seraph Towers work. These are the new Public Event in Destiny 2 with Season of the Worthy. You might think that a guide isn’t needed, but I still come across Guardians who don’t have a clue what they’re doing. All of you, read this now.
The Fourth Horseman is officially back in a Destiny game, and it’s super powerful. We’ve got a guide for how to pick it up right here.
Interesting Stuff About Season Of The Worthy
Over the course of the season we’re finding, and writing about, some really interesting aspects of Season of the Worthy.
Check out why we think that Rasputin Bounties are fantastic.
Is Tommy’s Matchbook the best Exotic Auto Rifle in Destiny 2? We’ve got you covered.
We also thought that Tommy’s Matchbook could be indicative of a wider change to Exotic weapons in the future of Destiny 2.
The Almost Mighty Exotic Ghost Shell from Eververse looks stupid, like it was designed by a maths teacher, so we ranted about it for a page or so.
Gameplay Preview
On the day that Season of the Worthy launched, Bungie released a new gameplay preview. This video is all kinds of juicy, and really is worth a watch if you’re dying to play the new season.
Don’t Get Sick
Bungie is a top notch employer. They’ve been monitoring the coronavirus outbreak as it has developed, and began implementing the ability for everyone to work form home months ago. Now they’re instigated a working from home policy for the foreseeable future, meaning that Season of the Worthy will launch whilst barely anyone is actually at Bungie HQ.
A Bit Of Lore
Bungie released a piece of lore for Season of the Worthy that’s really quite an interesting read. Our article contains our thoughts, as well as a link to the lore piece.
Real Roadmap
Now that we’ve had a real roadmap for Season of the Worthy, we’ve done an in-depth analysis to see exactly what’s coming. This is actually only the first half of the season’s roadmap, so there’s still more to come.
A Fake!
One of the best pieces of news to come out prior to Season of the Worthy was this fake roadmap. In our article we dissect which points make it an obvious fake, but it still managed to fool a lot of Guardians out there. It’s well worth a look just for a good laugh.
Rasputin And Osiris
Prior to the announcement of Season of the Worthy, we got a cutscene that showed a confrontation between Osiris and Rasputin. We now know that it was audio for this cutscene that revealed Season of the Worthy’s name. This was actually the reward for hitting the completion goal for Empyrean Foundation. Off the back of this we speculated about Rasputin choosing Light, Rasputin choosing darkness, Osiris choosing Light, and Osiris choosing darkness too. At first we thought that the new season could bring back Prison of Elders, but now it seems like it’ll just be Trials of Osiris.
Trials Of Osiris
We now know that Trials of Osiris will return to Destiny 2 on the 13th of March, the first weekend after Season of the Worthy begins, but it’s been a bumpy ride to get here.
First we had a glitch that indicated that Trials of Osiris might return. Then we all thought that Saint-14 was going to be the announcer, which it turns out was right. We definitely knew that Season of the Undying wouldn’t bring the game mode back, but at least it’s finally returned after all these seasons.
We’ll actually be doing a Trials of Osiris hub separate from this Season of Worthy hub. There will be plenty to talk about as the game mode evolves with Destiny 2 over the years, and we want to keep everything there so that the PVP Guardians don’t get angered by all of this PVE content.
We’ll be building up the Season of the Worthy hub over the course of season 10. If there’s something you think we should include, please let us know in the comments.