Why Would Osiris Choose The Light?
With that latest cutscene that showed Osiris and Rasputin facing off against one another, we don’t know where each character stands. We’ve already discussed why Rasputin might choose to side with the Light, and why it may choose the forces of darkness. We’ve even looked at why Osiris may be motivated to join the darkness, but now we need to consider why he’d side with the Light, the forces of good in Destiny 2.

With that latest cutscene that showed Osiris and Rasputin facing off against one another, we don’t know where each character stands. We’ve already discussed why Rasputin might choose to side with the Light, and why it may choose the forces of darkness. We’ve even looked at why Osiris may be motivated to join the darkness, but now we need to consider why he’d side with the Light, the forces of good in Destiny 2.
Why Would Osiris Choose The Forces Of Light?
Osiris is a complicated guy. He’s used his Light to perfect the art of splitting himself out into Echoes, copies of himself that can be used to explore large areas all at once. He used these Echoes to explore the Infinite Forest, where some of them became sentient, lived their lives, and then ended their lives by their own hands. Someone with all of that going on in their head can’t be understood, which is why we don’t know for sure that he’d side with the Light.
In the cutscene we got for completing the Empyrean Foundation challenge it looks like Osiris has seen Rasputin side with the darkness, and that’s why he’s confronting him. If that’s the case, Osiris has clearly made the decision to side with the forces of Light, the Guardians, and the traveler.
The most likely reason for Osiris siding with the Light is because he’s seen something in the Infinite Forest that shows that he’s needed on that side of the war in order for the Light to prevail. It may not be clear if he makes any sort of contributions to the war, but the mere fact that he’s on that side in a vision would be enough to persuade him to be there in reality.
Osiris may also have seen a future without him at all. That would be pretty worrying, but it would also focus his mind on the forces that have sided with darkness. If Osiris looked close enough and saw Rasputin on the side of darkness, then that could be why he immediately went out and confronted the Warmind. If Osiris can make a difference before the war, then it doesn’t matter if he’s part of it or if he dies before it starts, he can try to persuade the enemy’s most powerful ally to side with Light instead.
There’s just a small chance that Osiris has seen something from the Traveler. He’s pretty in tune with the future, Light, and everything that most people would call crazy. If he’s been given a message, or a special power, from the Traveler, then that may be his reasoning for siding with the Light. Osiris isn’t one to ignore signs, and the Traveler literally speaking to you is a pretty obvious one.
Let us know which side you think Osiris will be on in the coming war in Season of the Worthy in the comments.
Image Source: Comic Book