Destiny News
Check Out This Fake Season Of The Worthy Roadmap
If you think you’ve seen a roadmap for Season of the Worthy recently, you’ve been scammed. There’s a fake roadmap for the season doing the rounds right now, and it’s pretty convincing if you don’t look into the details too much. There’s a dead giveaway if you do though.

If you think you’ve seen a roadmap for Season of the Worthy recently, you’ve been scammed. There’s a fake roadmap for the season doing the rounds right now, and it’s pretty convincing if you don’t look into the details too much. There’s a dead giveaway if you do though.
Fake Season Of The Worthy Roadmap

One of the biggest giveaways that something fishy is going on with this roadmap is the fact that everything is made up of reused assets. Each image has been released by Bungie before, which wouldn’t be unusual, except that Bungie isn’t in the habit of reusing images lately. Ever since they’ve been making roadmaps for the current seasons they’ve been making new images for marketing material,and this isn’t it.
The next thing you might pick up on is the fact that Trials of Osiris isn’t happening on weekends. This is a big flaw in the roadmap, mostly because Trials of Osiris is a weekend-only activity. I think the person who made this image put loads of effort into it, but they’ve dropped the ball on a couple of points here.
If you’ve really paid some attention then you may even have seen that Anomaly, one of the Crucible maps that’s returning with Season of the Worthy, is spelled incorrectly. The name on the roadmap says Anomally, which only has one additional ‘l’, but it’s enough for the keen-eyed Guardian to notice that something is wrong.
We’re all so excited for Season of the Worthy that something like this just had to be released. Sadly Bungie won’t be showing us anything like this for a good long while, at least a couple of weeks. Hopefully we’ll get something a bit sooner, like a trailer, really soon.
Season of Dawn has been a brilliant season in Destiny 2. It’s advanced the overall storyline by a good long measure, but we’re still waiting on seeing what this coming darkness is. The dark forces look as though they’re going to hit us once more next season, but nothing is certain just yet.
Let us know what you think of the awesome roadmap in the comments.
Image Source: Twitter, Gamepur