Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn Roadmap In-Depth Analysis
This week we got our first glimpse at the roadmap for Season of Dawn, which we now know loads more about than we did when we were guessing about how it could involve Osiris, The Dawning, or the Fallen House of Dusk. Check out our Season of Dawn livestream summary here. Right now we’re going to dive into the Season of Dawn roadmap, and analyse exactly what’s coming from the 10th of December onwards. Check out the roadmap below, and read on for the details.

This week we got our first glimpse at the roadmap for Season of Dawn, which we now know loads more about than we did when we were guessing about how it could involve Osiris, The Dawning, or the Fallen House of Dusk. Check out our Season of Dawn livestream summary here. Right now we’re going to dive into the Season of Dawn roadmap, and analyse exactly what’s coming from the 10th of December onwards. Check out the roadmap below, and read on for the details.

10th of December
Starting with the next Destiny 2 weekly reset, Season of Dawn goes live on this date. This brings a lot of new content, including new story, the new 6 player activity, The Sundial, a new Season Artifact, The Lantern of Osiris, a Solar Subclass update, a new PVP mode, Elimination, a new Crucible map, Rusted Lands, and the opening of obelisks on The Tangled Shore and Mars. I’m not sure what the Obelisk stuff is about, but as soon as we have some better details we’ll get them to you.
17th of December
This is when it looks like content for Season of Dawn really kicks off, just like how there was a delay between the Season of the Undying starting and Vex Offensive coming out. On this date we get to ‘Save a Legend’, which is obviously a reference to saving Saint-14, the legendary Titan, from death.
On this date we’ll also see the Obelisks on Nessus and the EDZ open, which will probably reveal more secrets or content for Season of Dawn. But the biggest addition for this date is a new boss for The Sundial, Ozletc, the Sky Piercer, who looks like one hard-ass Psion.
17th of December 2019 to 14th of January 2020
I’m just adding this as an interim point, but The Dawning will run between these dates. We’ll put up some more stuff about the Christmas event as the time draws near, but for now just know that it will probably be more of the same. Which of course is never a bad thing in Destiny 2.
24th of December
From this date the first Iron Banner for Season of Dawn will go live! Hopefully this season will see a new game mode used, because Control can get pretty damn boring. It would also be nice to see some evolution on that Pinnacle quest.
This date also sees a new boss added to The Sundial in the form of Tazaroc, the Sun Eater. I’m quite into this boss, because it looks like a Psion wearing armour styled after the Egyptian god Anubis, which I am very into earning if that’s at all possible.
7th of January 2020
We’re into the new year with this date, and we get the first official Exotic Quest of the season, but I’m sure there will be some secret ones laced into the season already as it launches. This quest is for Devil’s Ruin, which looks to be an Exotic Sidearm. You can be sure that we’ll be obtaining the weapon as soon as we can so that we can produce a review for you once it’s out.
Also launching with this date is the Legend variant of The Sundial. I think this will be a harder version of the event, which Bungie mentioned in their livestream as having no matchmaking, so only pre-made Fireteams can complete this one.
28th of January
Another Exotic quests will be added with this date, and it’s for what appears to be a new Fusion Rifle named Bastion. Once again, we’ll report on the guide for getting the weapon, and reviewing it, once it’s released.
4th of February
Closing in on the end of Season of Dawn here, this date adds the Empyrean Foundation, which looks like it will be a final version of The Sundial, or the equivalent ending activity to Vex Offensive Final Assault. Just looking at the roadmap, it appears as though Guardians will use the normal portal for the Infinite Forest on Mercury to enter a particular timeline and attempt to fix the huge time problems on the planet.
Another boss for The Sundial will also launch on this date. This one is another Psion called Inotam, Oblivion’s Triune. This guy sounds like the final boss in a group of Psions, and makes me think of a certain Strike in Destiny 1.
11th of February to the 18th of February
Between these dates we’ll see Crimson Days! I love this event, basically because it’s all about love, and couldn’t be happier to see it return. I had great fun with the event this year, and you can bet that the whole team will be working through the event in order to get the best weapons available at the time.
March will see the beginning of Season 10 for Destiny 2, which we have no details for at this point in time. As details emerge we’ll report on what we find, but until then, this is everything we know of about Season of Dawn.
Let us know what you think of the Season of Dawn content in the comments.