Why You Should Partake In Festival Of The Lost This Weekend – 2019
As Bungie so kindly pointed out in their This Week At Bungie article, there is very little time left in Festival of the Lost 2019. In fact, at the point this article comes out, there are only a few days left before we have an entire year to wait before we can celebrate those who have fallen again. With that in mind, here are our reasons that you should partake in the event this weekend, and why it’s important to make the most of it while it’s here.

As Bungie so kindly pointed out in their This Week At Bungie article, there is very little time left in Festival of the Lost 2019. In fact, at the point this article comes out, there are only a few days left before we have an entire year to wait before we can celebrate those who have fallen again. With that in mind, here are our reasons that you should partake in the event this weekend, and why it’s important to make the most of it while it’s here.
Time Limited Gear

There are loads of items to get your hands on for Festival of the Lost this year, including the masks, which allowed us to do an interview with a Hive Acolyte, and the coveted BrayTech Werewolf. You might have noticed that some masks aren’t available for purchase this year, and that’s because Guardians are wearing the ones they’ve earned in past events. If you earn all the masks this year, not only will you complete the relevant Triumph, but you’ll also be able to wear them forever.
BrayTech Werewolf is one of the highest Power Level weapons in Destiny 2 right now, which is why it’s worth getting. It’s not even that hard to achieve, just spend some time completing bounties in The Haunted Forest, and by the end of a few hours you’ll be able to purchase it.
The Haunted Forest is Fun

You might be a bit fatigued with The Haunted Forest at this point, but keep pushing through with it, because it won’t be around for another 365 days once it’s gone. I honestly love the activity, because it adds real value to the Infinite Forest, which really that whole concept doesn’t have outside of the Curse of Osiris content.
For me, The Haunted Forest is more than a season activity, it’s a reminder that the Destiny universe is larger than the current expansion or season. The Infinite Forest is always working away, but you just don’t think about that when you’re fighting nightmares on the Moon, or battling the Vex in Vex Offensive.
It’s also really cool to see streamers like Gladd working with others to push the activity as far as it goes. The last time I checked they had cleared a total of 17 branches in the activity, which is 10 more than I think I’ve managed this year.

The Festival of the Lost is about remembering those who have fallen. I know that it’s an in-game event in an MMO that you probably play with friends, but for some of us it’s a nice way to think about those who we have lost in recent years. Sometimes it’s hard to talk about loss, because you don’t want to burden people or overdo it. For me, the feeling of loss crops up every now and then, and I know it’s not going away. But with Festival of the Lost I know I can celebrate my loss, and remember the person I’m thinking about in a context that celebrates them, which makes me feel much better about everything ion the moment.
Let us know why you’re playing Festival of the Lost content this weekend in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie