Destiny News
Destiny 2 PVP Bug Indicates Trials Of The Nine Might Be Returning
A bug that was recently discovered at the end of a Crucible match has given Guardians faith that the hardcore PVP game mode, Trials of the Nine, or Trials of Osiris in Destiny 1, will be returning soon. Check out the video, courtesy of Grym_Games, below and read on for more details.

A bug that was recently discovered at the end of a Crucible match has given Guardians faith that the hardcore PVP game mode, Trials of the Nine, or Trials of Osiris in Destiny 1, will be returning soon. Check out the video, courtesy of Grym_Games, below and read on for more details.
Watch TRIALS PLACEHOLDER CARD IN MY GAME AT 46:00 from Grym_Games on www.twitch.tvAs you can see, a placeholder appears at the end of the match. The placeholder is purple, has sections at the bottom to record games won and lost, with a section for a total of three lost games, and the entire placeholder is a beta asset in Destiny 2.
Everything about this placeholder screams Trials of the Nine. The game mode used to only be available at weekends, but was scrapped by Bungie after an exploit was discovered that allowed anyone to win seven matches in a row without actually fighting the enemy team. In accordance with the Trials of the Nine system, seven wins without a loss meant that Guardians could get to the Lighthouse and earn the best loot in the game at the time.
While trying to legitimately win a session of Trials of the Nine in Destiny 2, I teamed up with a group of randoms via the Destiny Subreddit. As the match began there was a glitch, and we won. This happened with each round until my team had won the match. I thought this was odd, so I messaged the Fireteam leader. It turns out they were using the exploit, so I bailed before we got to seven wins. I was right to do that because Bungie tracked accounts that had used the exploit and punished them pretty heavily.
Removing Trials was a necessary step on Bungie’s part. They couldn’t figure out how to fix the exploit, so they removed the option for it to be used altogether. Bungie has since hinted that they want to focus on PVP, and they’d love to bring Trials back in the future.
I don’t think that it’s out of the question to say that this placeholder is real, and that Bungie is using it as a way to test Trials of the Nine in the background while Destiny 2 is live. However, I don’t think we’ll be seeing it come back during Season of Dawn.
Bungie would make a song and dance of Trials returning, and they’d almost certainly link the mode’s return in with one of Destiny 2 Year 3’s seasons. Right now we know Trials of the Nine isn’t in the roadmap for Season of Dawn, and it wouldn’t really be appropriate given the content of the season.
A return of Trials of the Nine would be better suited to a season that’s dedicated to The Nine. It would also work really well with a Faction Wars style season, in which Guardians and their chosen faction are actively fighting for power over the Tower in some sort of election process, with the winning Faction being the dominant presence in the Tower for the following year.
Let us know your thoughts on this bug, and what you think it means, in the comments.
Image Source: Reddit