Destiny News
Xur’s Inventory Destiny 2 – November 15th To 19th 2019
Xur is back in Destiny 2 for another week, and this week is the last time he’ll be here for Festival of the Lost 2019, so anyone playing through that content this weekend better take note, and get something powerful to help them moving forward. There’s a bit of confusion out there with most outlets saying Xur has Riskrunner again, but he doesn’t. It seems as though last week’s reset time has skewed the Reddit data this week, but we’ve got the accurate information.

Xur is back in Destiny 2 for another week, and this week is the last time he’ll be here for Festival of the Lost 2019, so anyone playing through that content this weekend better take note, and get something powerful to help them moving forward. There’s a bit of confusion out there with most outlets saying Xur has Riskrunner again, but he doesn’t. It seems as though last week’s reset time has skewed the Reddit data this week, but we’ve got the accurate information.
Exotic Trace Rifle: Prometheus Lens – 29 Legendary Shards
Prometheus Lens was added with Curse of Osiris, and we’ve already done a review of whether it’s the best Exotic Trace Rifle or not. You should read that before buying it, but in the meantime we’ll include the basic details about the weapon here for you.
- Impact – 6
- Range – 73
- Stability – 64
- Handling – 42
- Reload Speed – 46
- Rounds per Minute – 1000
- Magazine – 100
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 100
- Inventory Size – 100
- Recoil Direction – 90
- Zoom – 16
- Intrinsic Perk: Prismatic Infermo – As you fire Prometheus Lens it generates a Solar heat field around the enemy that causes damage, increasing over time
- Flame Refraction – Kills with Prometheus Lens restore a fraction of the ammo used to the magazine from reserves, which extends the beam’s duration
Exotic Titan Helmet: Mask of the Quiet One – 23 Legendary Shards
This Helmet makes your Titan look like they literally can’t see, or they’re just really ugly. The Intrinsic Perk, Dreaded Visage, grants you ability energy when you’re damaged. When you’re critically wounded, you can regain full health by getting a kill.
Exotic Warlock Helmet: Skull of Dire Ahamkara – 23 Legendary Shards
This Helmet is from the base game, and it’s quite impressive if you think about where it came from. The Intrinsic Perk, Actual Grandeur, grants your Warlock additional damage resistance while in Nova Bomb. Any kills with Nova Bomb will grant Super energy.
Exotic Hunter Chest Armour: Ophidia Spathe – 23 Legendary Shards
This Chest Armour was added with Warmind, and it’s a favourite of mine. The Intrinsic Perk, Scissor Fingers, gives you two knives per charge. That may not sound like a lot, but it really is.
Our Take
This week there’s a lot to take in, but what you should focus on is what will help you with Festival of the Lost 2019. Looking through the items here, I would say that Ophidia Spathe is essential, it’ll just make life in The Haunted Forest so much easier. Otherwise, go for what your collection needs in order to be completed.
Let us know what you get in the comments.