Destiny News
Xur’s Inventory Destiny 2 – November 22nd To 26th 2019
Xur has returned to Destiny 2 once again. He’s on the EDZ right now, hanging out on the top of a cliff around that destroyed Fallen ship, in Winding Cove. Let’s have a look at what he’s selling right now.

Xur has returned to Destiny 2 once again. He’s on the EDZ right now, hanging out on the top of a cliff around that destroyed Fallen ship, in Winding Cove. Let’s have a look at what he’s selling right now.
Just a little note, at the time of writing Destiny 2 is currently down. Hopefully all of this isn’t wrong, but we needed to report on it anyway sol let’s hope it’s right! If you’re looking for a way to pass the time, can always check out
Exotic Rocket Launcher: Wardcliff Coil – 29 Legendary Shards
We’ve already done our own in-depth analysis of whether or not Wardcliff Coil is the best Exotic Rocket Launcher or not. You should definitely check that out before purchasing it, but we’ll dive into the stats and perks here for you quickly.
Just a quick note, this is the weapon that clan Redeem used to claim the first prestige raid.
- Blast Radius – 63
- Velocity – 96
- Stability – 60
- Handling – 82
- Reload Speed – 37
- Rounds per Minute – 60
- Magazine Size – 1
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 80
- Inventory Size – 0
- Recoil Direction – 60
- Zoom – 15
- Intrinsic Perk: Mad Scientist – Wardcliff Coil fires a volley of rockets
- Mechanized Autoloader – Wardcliff Coil automatically reloads on ammo pickup
Exotic Hunter Chest Armour: The Sixth Coyote – 23 Legendary Shards
This is some Forsaken Exotic Armour, one that I really love to run with. The Intrinsic perk, Double Dodge, gives you a double dodge, which I can promise you is a real benefit in a tough situation.
Exotic Titan Helmet: One-Eyed Mask – 23 Legendary Shards
Another Forsaken Exotic, and this one was the focus of a recent nerf from Bungie. The Intrinsic perk, Vengeance, marks enemies who damage you, granting increased damage and a health boost if you kill them, but no more overshield.
Exotic Warlock Helmet: Verity’s Brow – 23 Legendary Shards
This helmet was added with Warmind, and looks pretty disturbing to be honest. The Intrinsic perk, The Fourth Magic, increases grenade recharge rate for you and nearby allies when you get an energy weapon kill.
Our Take
This week Xur has some really great items. Wardcliff Coil is a fantastic weapon, The Sixth Coyote is a phenomenal piece of Chest Armour, and Verity’s Brow is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Let us know what you pick up in the comments.