Destiny News
Xur’s Inventory Destiny 2 – March 6th To 10th 2020
Xur is back for the very last time in Season of Dawn, and sadly it’s not a great week for his wares. He does have an extremely appropriate weapon though, so that’s something. This week you can find Xur on Nessus, hanging out on Calus’ Barge right near where you spawn. Let’s dive in and check out what he’s got.

Xur is back for the very last time in Season of Dawn, and sadly it’s not a great week for his wares. He does have an extremely appropriate weapon though, so that’s something. This week you can find Xur on Nessus, hanging out on Calus’ Barge right near where you spawn. Let’s dive in and check out what he’s got.
Exotic Trace Rifle: Prometheus Lens – 29 Legendary Shards
We’ve already done our own in-depth analysis of whether Prometheus Lens is the best Exotic Trace Rifle or not. You should definitely check that out before you purchase it this week. For now we’ll cover the stats and perks so you have an overview.
- Impact – 6
- Range – 73
- Stability – 64
- Handling – 42
- Reload Speed – 46
- Rounds per Minute – 1,000
- Magazine – 100
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 100
- Inventory Size – 100
- Recoil Direction – 90
- Zoom – 16
- Intrinsic perk: Prismatic Inferno – This weapon fires a Solar Trace Beam that generates a damaging heat field which causes damage over time.
- Flame Refraction – Kills with Prometheus Lens will return some ammo to the magazine, extending the beam’s duration.
Exotic Hunter Leg Armour: Lucky Pants – 23 Legendary Shards
These are a really useful Exotic for any Hunter main. The Intrinsic Perk, Illegally Modded Holster, will load a round to any stowed Hand Cannons upon a precision kill.
Exotic Titan Helmet: Helm Of Saint-14 – 23 Legendary Shards
This is the most appropriate Helmet to end Season of Dawn with. The Intrinsic Perk, Starless Night, blinds enemies who enter your Ward of Dawn, plus it grants an overshield. Any guarding that you do will also blind enemies.
Exotic Warlock Helmet: Apotheosis Veil – 23 Legendary Shards
This is a Warmind Exotic, possibly the perfect one to start Season of the Worthy with. The Intrinsic Perk, Insatiable, will regenerate health, melee, grenade, and Rift energy when you activate your Super. Any nearby allies will also have faster ability regeneration for a while.
Our Take
With Season of the Worthy on the horizon, this is as good a time as any to pick up any Exotics that are missing from your collection. There are going to be a lot of new ones to pick up next season, and you don’t want to have to backtrack for any of these because you missed them this time around.
Let us know what you pick up in the comments.