Destiny News
Luke Smith Confirms Weapons 2.0 Not In The Works For Destiny 2 Right Now

Speaking with KindaFunnyGames, Luke Smith, Game Director for Destiny 2, told the world that Bungie isn’t currently working on a Weapons 2.0 overhaul similar to Armour 2.0.
Smith explained that Weapons 2.0 is too much of an overhaul for right now, particularly with Armour 2.0 just around the corner. He added that anything like a Weapons 2.0 system would need to be looked into alongside the community to ensure it’s approached correctly.
Armour 2.0
Armour 2.0 launches with Shadowkeep and Destiny 2 New Light on the 1st of October. The system completely changes how armour works, removing the set perks we see now, and replacing them with mod slots. As of the 1st of October, Guardians will be able to swap in and out the mods they want on armour in order to gear their character to the activity they’re playing. This means that if a Guardian needs more Heavy ammo in a Raid, they can swap in some mods that will help make that happen for them.
What Would Weapons 2.0 Look Like?
Luke Smith stayed quiet on the front of what a Weapons 2.0 overhaul would look like, but we can dream. He did say that it probably wouldn’t work to make Weapons 2.0 the same as Armour 2.0. This basically means that if we do get a Weapons 2.0, it won’t simply allow us to swap mods in and out for perks such as firefly, because that really would ruin quite a few activities.
I think that Weapons 2.0 should do something about elements, allowing Guardians to choose the element on their weapons, whilst also having some power over what the weapon enhances in terms of abilities, such as Grenade recharge. Right now weapons are far too random, and I see no value in keeping anything that isn’t Exotic, or a rare weapon from a time limited event such as Crimson Days.
When Will We See A Weapons 2.0 Overhaul?
Bungie needs to focus on getting Shadowkeep and Destiny 2 New Light out. Those are big releases, and that’s already enough going on for this part of the year. Weapons 2.0 should be a system that takes into account some of the feedback from the new Guardians who will join the fray with the new free-to-play version of Destiny 2. As a result, I don’t think we’ll see any Weapons 2.0 news until this time next year, when Destiny 2 year 4 is on the horizon. I’d even go as far as saying that nothing will change in Destiny 2 at all, and instead we’ll just have a brand new system in Destiny 3, which could realistically be on the way at this point next year, with Project Scarlett releasing over Winter 2020.
Let us know what you want from a Weapons 2.0 overhaul in the comments.
Image Source: Forbes