Destiny News
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Narrative Preview Chapter One Tells The Story Of Eris Leaving

Bungie has begun revealing the story that fills the gap between Destiny 2 and Shadowkeep, specifically where in the system Eris Morn has been since the end of Destiny 1.
Over on the official Bungie site we’ve been given a chapter or so of lore that’s starting to cover the gap left by Eris Morn. This character was last seen in Destiny 1, when she appeared with The Dark Below and played a big part in The Taken King expansion. Since the beginning of Destiny 2 Eris Morn has been sorely lacking, and Guardians have been asking after her. We know that she’s returning with Shadowkeep, because she’s the one who alerts us to the new threat on the Moon, bit other than that we know nothing. Check out the chapter from Bungie below and read on for our take.
“Your tea has gone cold.”
I had forgotten Ikora handed it to me. My thoughts are preoccupied.
“I… have been burned before.”
“Was that a joke from the dark and brooding Eris Morn? I’m shocked.”
“The universe has many corners. There is much that is shocking still left to uncover.”
The moment hangs for us both.
“I was thinking: We should go down to the City. There’s a great ramen shop there. Perfect blend of spice and flavor.”
“That would be nice.”
She’s studying me now. Does she know?
“You’re leaving.”
She always sees through me.
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“There is a greater purpose.”
This does little to satisfy her. Her face carries the weight of disappointment.
“When will you be back?”
I have no answer.
“So you’re abandoning us.”
“There is still much to be done. You don’t know what I have seen.”
“We would have been lost without you. We need you here. You know this.”
If I were to tell her where I was I going—what I need to do—she would not allow me to leave.
“I have to do this alone. It’s—”
“Let her go.”
Zavala. Always has to weigh in.
“Eris has made her decision. You can’t force her to stay.”
“I don’t think you know what you’re saying, Zavala. Are you forgetting we only survived because of her?”
“And we’re all grateful, but if we can’t live with the absence of one person, we won’t survive very long.”
This is a battle Ikora can’t win. I won’t let her fight.
“Your whispers carry throughout the Tower. Were I not in it, as you would prefer, I wouldn’t have to endure them any further.”
The brave commander can’t even bring himself to look at me.
“Is this true?”
Ikora, you already know. I cannot waste more time.
“As I told Asher, there is a storm coming…”
“Oryx is dead. We’ve weathered the storm.”
Ikora is upset. She has yet to understand the bigger picture.
“Yet his sisters would see his will done. There will always be another storm.”
“Then let’s weather it together.”
It’s my turn to hang my head.
“We made do without her before. We can do it again.”
I thank Zavala with a nod. We have found common ground. Ikora, however…
“You see everything but what you already have.”
She turns to leave and I won’t stop her. She is not wrong.
“Good luck.”
Zavala’s words ring hollow.
It pains me to part in this way, but I can’t endanger anyone else.
I alone have been entrusted with this.
They will come to understand, should I survive.
Our Take
This reads like it takes place between Oryx being killed and the beginning of Destiny 2, when the Red Legion invade. Eris obviously knows something about Orxy’s sisters, and their motivation to see his will done. Orxy has two sisters, so it’s likely that one of them has made their way to the Moon and this Scarlet Keep. It sounds like a sad parting of company between Eris Morn and the Vanguard, and it’s made all the sadder with the knowledge that Cayde-6 is dead now. Eris Morn will never get to misunderstand a joke from that hero again.
Let us know what you think of this little drop of lore in the comments.
Image Source: TopsyTurvyGam3r