Destiny News
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Fills Servers With Too Many Guardians
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep launched to an incredible number of Guardians yesterday. The expansion was played by so many of us that Bungie had to take the servers down just to perform maintenance, and let us in slowly so we didn’t burn the servers down.

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep launched to an incredible number of Guardians yesterday. The expansion was played by so many of us that Bungie had to take the servers down just to perform maintenance, and let us in slowly so we didn’t burn the servers down.
Within the first few hours of Shadowkeep and Destiny 2 New Light being live, the Destiny 2 servers were taken down. According to Bungie this was for emergency maintenance.
This maintenance went on for a few hours, causing many Guardians great disappointment. I was one of these Guardians, but I’m not too surprised truth be told. Every expansion to Destiny 2 has always seen the UK Guardian community get locked out of Destiny 2 for the first day. This is because Bungie prioritise the US servers, but in the case of Shadowkeep I think it was the combined might of returning Guardians for Shadowkeep, and new ones joining with Destiny 2 New Light.
According to Steam data there were more than 200,000 Guardians playing at the same time in Destiny 2 yesterday. Bear in mind that this is only PC Guardians, so there will be at least that number on Xbox One and Playstation 4 joining in as well. This caused a queue in the servers when they finally did come back online, which is when I was trying to join in with the fun. This queue was created in order to help Bungie ensure the servers didn’t get overloaded again, and it worked. This is important, because if the servers break then the game will go down for a lot longer than just a few hours.
According to IGN, at times the queuing took 30 to 45 minutes, and even then they would get kicked from said queue.
Issues With Silver
Bungie is also dealing with an issue relating to Silver. Apparently some Guardians are having trouble, and Bungie has advised that we only purchase one bundle of Silver at a time moving forward. It sounds like money has been taken, but Silver hasn’t been awarded. One Guardian took to Reddit to ask for the Silver store to be taken down, which it was, alongside the entire game. We don’t have word that this issue is fixed yet, but will keep you updated.
Animal Error Codes
A number of error codes are causing agro for some Guardians. Weasel and Beaver error codes are the most common. According to Bungie, the Weasel error code relates to a Guardian failing to log into multiple platforms while cross-save functionality is enabled. Beaver, according to Bungie, is a failure to connect your console to another Guardian’s over the internet. This second one is probably caused by internet issues rather than Bungie’s servers.
Earlier we covered the news that Destiny is the second best selling first person shooter franchise in terms of dollar sales for this generation. We now also know that around the time of Shadowkeep’s launch, the game was at the top of the Steam best selling games list.
Keep an eye on Destiny News Hub over the next week or so for the latest Shadowkeep and Destiny 2 news. Let us know what you think of these launch woes in the comments.
Image Source: Forbes