Destiny News
All The Free Content You Get With Destiny 2 New Light
Bungie has released an image showing just what Guardians will get if they download Destiny 2 New Light for free from the 1st of October 2019.

Bungie has released an image showing just what Guardians will get if they download Destiny 2 New Light for free from the 1st of October 2019.
The image contains a lot of detail about what Guardians can access. As we know, it’s basically everything apart from the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions, though Guardians playing Destiny 2 New Light will still be able to access the areas from these expansions, such as the Moon. Check out the image below, and read on for a deep dive into what content will be free as of next week.

Firstly, and probably most obvious of all, you get the core Destiny 2 campaign and experience. This includes all year 1 Exotics, and free roam access to every destination in the game. In addition to this core part of Destiny 2, in Destiny 2 New Light Guardians will also get the first two DLCs for the game, Curse of Osiris, and Warmind. Both of these DLC had new Exotics and locations, well-worth any Guardian’s time.
The next part of Destiny 2 New Light’s content is everything that was in the Annual Pass for Destiny 2 year 2. This means that all of the seasons, and therefore Black Armory, Gambit Prime, and the Menagerie, are all available at once. In addition, every year 1 Nightfall is also included, alongside the core Gambit mode and Crucible PVP modes that have been expanded over the last two years.
Destiny 2 New Light will include all previously released PVP and PVE content, including raids, and will give Guardians access to all events, including Iron Banner, Festival of the Lost, The Dawning, Crimson Days, The Revelry, and Solstice of Heroes.
Available to Purchase
As I’ve already said, the only thing that Destiny 2 New Light doesn’t include is the actual content for the Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions. This means that in order to play the missions, raids, and progress through the story of each one, you need to purchase the expansions.
We thoroughly recommend playing through Forsaken because of some big story points that most Guardians won’t understand if they skip it. It seems as though you will be able to play Shadowkeep without too many spoilers as to what happens in Forsaken, but be warned that the events in that expansion rock the Destiny universe, and are essential in our opinions.
Let us know if you’re picking up Destiny 2 New Light in the comments.
Image Source: Twitter