All posts tagged "Crucible"
/ 11 months agoMaster Your Destiny: A Guide to Crucible Excellence
Are you tired of being repeatedly squashed like a bug in the Crucible? Do you dream of one day achieving greatness...
/ 11 months agoMastering the Trials: Analyzing Osiris Performance
Are you tired of getting your butt handed to you in Osiris matches? Sick of feeling like a scrub while all...
/ 12 months agoMaster the Crucible: Outsmarting Foes in Destiny 2
Welcome, fellow Guardians, to the battlefield of the Crucible in Destiny 2, where friendships are tested, enemies are made, and tea-bagging...
/ 12 months agoMastering Trials: Advanced Strategies for Destiny 2
Welcome, Guardians, to the ultimate guide on how to conquer those pesky Trials in Destiny 2 like a pro! Do your...
/ 1 year agoTracking Your Destiny Crucible Stats: A Professional Guide
Are you tired of getting your butt handed to you in the Crucible? Are you sick of being the laughing stock...
/ 4 years agoSo, How is Shaxx Sending Us to the Missing Planets For Crucible Games?
Io, Mars, Mercury, and Titan have been swallowed by the darkness. Yet, Crucible matches are still taking place on them. How...
/ 5 years agoDestiny 2 Trials Of Osiris Hub
With Season of the Worthy we're getting Trials of Osiris back. The game mode will return later on today, the 13th...
/ 5 years agoEver Wondered What The Mountaintop Would Look Like In Real Life?
The Mountaintop is a very well known weapon in Destiny 2. It’s got a rich history of being unstoppable, and then...
Destiny News
/ 5 years agoSaint-14 Is Hinting At Trials Of Nine Returning
Earlier this week we got a hint that Trials of the Nine might be coming back to Destiny 2. Now with...
Destiny News
/ 5 years agoDestiny 2 PVP Bug Indicates Trials Of The Nine Might Be Returning
A bug that was recently discovered at the end of a Crucible match has given Guardians faith that the hardcore PVP...