Ever Wondered What The Mountaintop Would Look Like In Real Life?

The Mountaintop is a very well known weapon in Destiny 2. It’s got a rich history of being unstoppable, and then being nerfed into oblivion by Bungie to the point that it is basically useless. Many Guardians have always wondered what it would be like to hold this beast in their hands, and now one Guardian has gone the whole hog and just built the thing, well they printed it.
The Mountaintop In Real Life

The Mountaintop’s physical version was printed by Adrian Tanner. Tanner makes replicas, and this is probably his most-hated weapon. Of course, when you hate something, you make it in real life so that you can hate it even more. The Mountaintop was designed in Solidworks, and printed on a Prusa i3 MkIII, weighing in at about 1.3kg in total. A lot of the hardware is actually functional as well as cosmetic.
Check out the rest of the images below.

As you can see, this replica opens and closes, it’s insane! You can even load it with the printed ammo.

It’s always impressive when a Guardian creates some real life physical item from Destiny 2. In this case it’s definitely one of the weapons that means the most to everyone who’s been a part of Destiny 2 for the past year or so.
We’ve seen a few different Guardians creating physical versions of weapons, but more than anything I think that they just show how dedicated we all are to Destiny 2. There aren’t many other game communities that go to the effort of creating physical items from games. Even those that do usually restrict the work they put in to cosplay only.
With work like this going into projects that were built just for fun, I can’t imagine what the Guardian community would be capable of if they were actually put to work making things like this. I could definitely see a bunch of Guardians getting together to make a business out of making cosplay items and physical versions of weapons for other Guardians. As the number of us grows so too does the potential for a business opportunity to be opened up, but only Guardians who put in the work and who have the stamina to stick it out will succeed and create something we can all enjoy.
Let us know what you think of this physical version of The Mountaintop in the comments.
Image Source: Reddit