The Greatest Teaser In History
The Destiny Subreddit community have been remembering the teaser that showed off Destiny 1 way before it had even been announced. The teaser was a poster in Halo 3 ODST, and a fairly well hidden one at that.

The Destiny Subreddit community have been remembering the teaser that showed off Destiny 1 way before it had even been announced. The teaser was a poster in Halo 3 ODST, and a fairly well hidden one at that. Thanks to user MrMcflyest for posting.

That poster was found in Halo 3 ODST. You can tell the game by looking at the distinctive orange outline around the character’s weapon.
The poster shows the Earth, and what would otherwise be thought of as the moon, but that’s no moon. We now know that the white object off to the top right is in fact the Traveler, an ancient being that was brought to Earth to spark the Golden Age.
Right at the bottom of the poster you can see an image that vaguely resembles the Ghost sign. It’s all there if you look at it now, but back then we had no idea.
Halo 3 ODST launched on the 22nd of September 2009. In April 2010, Bungie and Activision announced a partnership to work on a brand new game. Between then and 2013, when Bungie officially announced Destiny 1 in February, there were loads of little leaks and bits of information.
However, all of it goes back to this one poster in Halo 3 ODST. That game was launched in 2009, and probably had a couple of years worth of development before that. Destiny 1 didn’t launch until 2014, showing that the game was in the works for up to seven years!
Clearly the team working on Halo 3 ODST were extremely excited about what they were making with Destiny 1, and they had every right to be. The game was awesome, even though it definitely had its flaws. Destiny 2 is much better, but with this many Guardians involved there will always be those ready to point out issues.
While we’re all stuck inside, with endless hours to pour into our favourite games, I thought it would be good to remember that the Destiny universe was built by passionate developers. These guys gave the Halo franchise, a prolific shooter series that could have supported them forever, to someone else in favour of starting something fresh.
We all love Destiny. Let’s just take a minute to consider how far the game has come from that poster in Halo 3 ODST. Let us know your fondest memories of the game in the comments.
Image Source: Reddit, Destiny Wiki