Destiny News
Xur’s Inventory Destiny 2 – January 31st To February 4th 2020
Xur has returned to Destiny 2, and this weekend will be his first into February 2020! The tentacle-faced weirdo has some okay Exotics with him this week, nothing hugely special, but he’s worth checking out all the same. Let’s dive into what he’s packing.

Xur has returned to Destiny 2, and this weekend will be his first into February 2020! The tentacle-faced weirdo has some okay Exotics with him this week, nothing hugely special, but he’s worth checking out all the same. Let’s dive into what he’s packing.
Exotic Grenade Launcher: Fighting Lion – 29 Legendary Shards
While we haven’t covered Fighting Lion in our own in-depth article just yet, we will be soon. Fighting Lion was actually the source of some issues last year, but Bungie has fixed them now. We’ll dive into the stats and perks here for you so you can get an idea of what you’re buying.
- Blast Radius – 50
- Velocity – 55
- Stability – 78
- Handling – 100
- Reload Speed – 55
- Rounds per Minute – 72
- Magazine Size – 1
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 80
- Inventory Size – 0
- Recoil Direction – 60
- Zoom – 13
- Intrinsic Perk: Delayed Gratification – Grenade projectiles bounce off of surfaces. Holding the trigger fires the projectiles, and letting go explodes them.
- Thin The Herd – Direct hits do increased damage to enemy shields. Rapid kills against enemies damaged by grenades will refill the magazine. Kills will drop Primary ammo.
Exotic Hunter Leg Armour: Lucky Pants – 23 Legendary Shards
This Exotic is one of my favourites. The Intrinsic perk, Illegally Modded Holster, loads one round to the chamber of stowed Hand Cannons with precision hits. Hand Cannons are also faster and more accurate immediately after swapping to them.
Exotic Warlock Chest Armour: Starfire Protocol – 23 Legendary Shards
Not very fun, but an Exotic nonetheless. The Intrinsic perk, Starfire Protocol, grants an additional Fusion Grenade.
Exotic Titan Leg Armour: Peregrine Greaves – 23 Legendary Shards
This Exotic is pretty nice, and it’s from Season of Opulence. The Intrinsic Perk, Peregrine Strike, makes all Shoulder Charge abilities deal bonus damage when activated in the air.
Our Take
This week is pretty weak as far as Xur goes, he’s definitely had better weeks. If you’re going to pick anything up, I’d suggest the Titan Exotic, it’s pretty new and I’ve not seen it in the weekly offering many times. The Hunter Exotic this week is also really great, but the Grenade Launcher is not that good at all. Fighting Lion is quite fun as a gimmick, but save your Legendary Shards for something worthwhile.
Let us know what you pick up in the comments.