Destiny News
Xur Inventory Destiny 2 – March 23rd to 26th

Xur is back! He’s got some more Exotic goodies to help boost your level and generally make you more of a badass. Let’s have a look at what he’s brought.
Exotic Hand Cannon: Sunshot – 29 Legendary Shards
This is definitely my preferred Exotic, allowing you to have two Hand Cannons equipped if you should so choose. The stats are 150 rounds fired per minute, Impact of 80, Range of 38, Stability of 46, Magazine of 8, Reload Speed of 75, and Handling of 83. The hidden stats are a Zoom of 14, Inventory Size 53, Aim Assistance 60, and Recoil Direction 98. These aren’t brilliant stats but they are well-balanced, which is why this is ranked #11 in PVP.
The Exotic Perk, Sunburn, means that this weapon fires explosive rounds that highlight targets that take damage from it. Chambered Compensator increases Stability, moderately controls Recoil, and slightly decreases Handling Speed. Accurized Rounds increases Range while Sun Blast makes targets killed with the weapon explode in Solar energy, causing damage to surrounding foes. Finally Textured Grip greatly increases Handling Speed and slightly decreases Stability.
Overall I would definitely say this is a weapon worth having. It’s super nippy to pull out and blast other Guardians with in the face in PVP, and to be honest it’s quite handy as a back up to whatever your main weapon is in PVE.
Exotic Hunter Leg Armour: Orpheus Rig – 23 Legendary Shards
This is an interesting piece of armour, one that many Guardians seem to adore, those who main Hunter at least. The armour greatly increases Mobility, and the Exotic Perk, Uncanny Arrows, grants ability energy for each enemy tethered by Shadowshot anchors.
Exotic Warlock Gauntlets: Karnstein Armlets – 23 Legendary Shards
These, like most Warlock Exotics, look incredible. The Gauntlets increase Resilience and Recovery. The Exotic Perk, Vampire’s Caress, grants extra Resilience and Mobility from melee attacks, highlighting injured enemies. Melee kills will also greatly restore health.
Exotic Titan Leg Armour: Lion Rampant – 23 Legendary Shards
This Leg Armour greatly increases Resilience, and they make you look like you’re from outer space. The Exotic Perk, Jump Jets, provides additional aerial manoeuvrability.
If there is only one piece of armour you buy let it be for your main character, but the Hunter amour this week is one I’ve not noticed before and am pretty excited about. With that said if you’re all about the recent PVP events and don’t own Sunshot then you should go ahead and get it because it’s fantastic at destroying your opponents in the Crucible. Let us know what you purchase in the comments.