Destiny News
Update Patch Notes Preview
Last week Bungie delayed the launch of Shadowkeep, but placated us with a new roadmap for Season of Opulence. They also gave us a glimpse of the next update to Destiny 2, which is what we’re going to take an in-depth look at here.

Last week Bungie delayed the launch of Shadowkeep, but placated us with a new roadmap for Season of Opulence. They also gave us a glimpse of the next update to Destiny 2, which is what we’re going to take an in-depth look at here.
Update will hit Destiny 2 between the 3rd and 10th of September, but no firm date has been set just yet. We’re going to dive in and look at the patch notes and discuss them here, and what else they could also indicate for the future of the game.
Moments of Triumph is getting extended to the 17th of September. This is just something that Bungie needed to do with the delay of Shadowkeep, and I don’t think there’s much more to it than that. The same can be said for the increased reward rates for Gambit and Reckoning, both of which come under the Infamy increase we’re seeing between the 10th and 17th of September. I think that this part of the update will be included with the extension to Moments of Triumph, we just won’t see it until we need to. It’s worth noting that for this period of increased rewards we’re also going to see some protection against bad luck, which basically guarantees a reward drop from Gambit and Reckoning after a set amount of matches. If you’ve been putting off playing these activities, this will be the time to get back into them.
Reckoning is getting a difficulty adjustment. This is great, because it’s going to make it more accessible, and I think that has everything to do with the influx of Guardians we’re going to see with Destiny 2 New Light. Making activities like this easier to get into will make them far less daunting for those brand new to the game, and it’s sorely needed because I can barely find people to play Reckoning with.
BrayTech Schematics are going to lose their daily lockout, and give us better chances towards weapons we don’t own. This, again, is very sorely needed. I keep picking them up and forgetting about them, only to find them as safe to delete from my inventory. Having them last for longer than a day will mean that I probably get to use them.
The quests to get The Mountaintop and Wendigo GL 3 will become more accessible. Again, this is for the new Guardians, but holy crap is it hard to get The Mountaintop even for us veterans. Some Pinnacle weapons take the piss with their quests, and making these ones easier is so far from a bad thing that I don’t know what to call it. The quest steps are being tuned based on Guardian feedback, so thank you to everyone who moaned about not being able to get this weapon to date.
There are two Iron Banner events during the extended Season of Opulence roadmap. Both of these are going to see an increase to Valor gains, which is alright by me. This should make it easier for Guardians to reset their Valor rank, and finally complete the colossal grind that is the Iron Banner quest.
Calus is going to make Menagerie chests more rewarding towards the end of Season of Opulence. Bungie hasn’t given away what this means exactly, but I imagine it’ll become more likely to get extremely powerful weapon rolls from the Chalice combinations you use. That, or Calus will simply chance the combinations over so that the harder to get weapons are easier to get. I reckon this could coincide with some new weapons being made available in the Menagerie, but only time will tell if I’m right.
Finally, the last hint of information about Update is that a community challenge will be live for the duration of that week. Bungie hasn’t indicated what this might be, so we’ll just have to wait and see what they come out with. Maybe it’ll be something to do with Gjallarhorn?
That’s it for all that Bungie have revealed about Update We’ll have an in-depth look at the patch notes when the update goes live in the future. Let us know what you think of these preview patch notes so far in the comments.