Destiny News
Destiny 2 Season Of Opulence Updated Roadmap
Earlier this week Bungie announced that they were delaying the launch of Shadowkeep until the 1st of October. What they later told us, is that they’ve changed the Season of Opulence roadmap.

Earlier this week Bungie announced that they were delaying the launch of Shadowkeep until the 1st of October. What they later told us, is that they’ve changed the Season of Opulence roadmap.
With Shadowkeep’s launch date moving from the 17th of September to the 1st of October, there are two full weeks of dead time in Destiny 2, except Bungie has extended Season of Opulence with new events to fill that void. During that time Moments of Triumph is also being extended all the way out until the 17th of September. So anyone who still wants to take a shot at grabbing the t-shirt, ship, and Sparrow now has a little extra time to do so. check out the new roadmap image below, and read on for the details.

So first up, we can see Solstice of Heroes 2019 will last until the 27th of August. That’s normal, nothing’s changes about that. The Iron Banner event beginning on the 27th of August probably also isn’t new. There are generally three Iron Banner events for a season, and as I mentioned in the recent The Destiny Show podcast episode I was on, it felt like Bungie was going to push one more our way prior to Shadowkeep. This would make sense, since the event will end on the 3rd of September.
Between the 3rd of September and the 10th of September we’re going to get a new update to Destiny 2. Update is probably filled with quality of life changes, and essential tweaks for Shadowkeep, Google Stadia, and Destiny 2 New Light, all of which are likely reasons for the delay of Shadowkeep’s launch. We’ll get a preview of the patch notes up as soon as possible, and then cover the full update in-depth once it launches.
From the 10th of September until the 17th of September, Shadowkeep’s original launch date, we have Moments of Triumph week, coupled with a boost to Infamy gains. We’re not sure what Moments of Triumph week will be, but it could offer a quicker way to get those final few Triumphs. The Infamy boost is usual for the end of a season, and will help you get that rank up and reset it for the season so you can grab that Triumph at least.
From the 17th of September until the 24 of September we will have another Iron Banner. This will be the fourth one for the season, and it’s going to be mental. Most Guardians are annoyed about the Iron Banner quest for this season, because it’s a massive grind. However, with an additional Iron Banner event we have a good opportunity to get that quest completed, and work out all of our rage at Shadowkeep being delayed by shooting other Guardians.
Finally, between the 24th of September and the 1st of October we will have a Mayhem playlist for the Crucible, a Valor gain boost, and an Infamy boost. Once again, there’s usually an Infamy boost towards the end of a season, but now we have two of those, and Valor boost! This will make it easier to reset your Valor rank and get the Triumph ticked off for the season, and you can purchase that sweet Ghost Shell that Shaxx has been holding on to.
It’s great that Bungie has a plan in place with the delay of Shadokeep leaving this big hole in content. I think that under Activision we’d be getting a broken expansion, and even if it was delayed we wouldn’t have this extended roadmap. Once again, this is evidence of Bungie taking big strides forward as an independent developer, and it’s paying dividends.
Let us know what you think of the extended Season of Opulence roadmap in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie