Destiny News
Iron Banner Comes To Season 6 Next Week
The ultimate form of Crucible combat returns to Destiny 2 next week, but it’s got a load of changes to it. Bungie has been working hard on how they’re altering Iron Banner for Season of the Drifter, and now we’re going to see something different.

The ultimate form of Crucible combat returns to Destiny 2 next week, but it’s got a load of changes to it. Bungie has been working hard on how they’re altering Iron Banner for Season of the Drifter, and now we’re going to see something different.
In their most recent This Week At Bungie article Bungie have been through and explained how Iron Banner will be different next week, in addition to a load of other stuff like Hotfix changes. Let’s dive in and take a loot at how you can do things differently in Iron Banner with the next reset.
Iron Banner Season 6
Next week Iron Banner will begin on the 26th of March at 10 AM PDT, and it will finish on the 2nd of April at 10 AM PDT. Lord Saladin will return to the Tower as usual, and you’ll have to go and talk to him in order to see the changes that have been made.
Iron Burden
Iron Burden is a consumable that’s all about challenge. It lowers a Guardian’s Power Level to 100, meaning there’s a much bigger focus on your actual skills in the Crucible over your massive Power Level. You can purchase Iron Burden from Lord Saladin for 5 Iron Banner Tokens, and it offers you the chance to complete the new Iron Burden Triumph.
This Triumph tasks you with killing 500 opponents while the Iron Burden debuff is active. I don’t know about you but I’m really up for this challenge. The reward for completing the Iron Burden Triumph is a new version of Wizened Rebuke, which comes fully Masterworked and with a curated roll. Progress towards the Triumph carries over to other weeks when Iron Banner is live, but I’m sure there are plenty of talented Guardians out there who will complete it next week.
Wolf’s Favor
Wolf’s Favor is a consumable for those Guardians who usually prefer to spend their time in PVE. The idea is that it’ll convince you to give Iron Banner a go.
The consumable drops from enemies in limited quantities, and grants a 100 Power Level increase for 30 minutes. Obviously the cap on your Power Level will be 700, but it should still be enough of an incentive to get into the Iron Banner and earn a few rewards. It’ll be really fun to use this and put those overpowered Guardians in their place.
There’s a chance for Wolf’s Favor to drop from the following Daily and Weekly Challenges.
- The Daily Heroic Story Mission
- Vanguard Strikes
- Nightfall Strikes
- Gambit (Forsaken only)
- The Flashpoint Planet
- Hawthorne and Ikora Weekly Milestones
Bounties for Iron Banner are also a little different this season. They’ve been adjusted to make them a little easier to earn progress towards, based on Guardian feedback. The completion of an Iron Banner Bounty will award Powerful Gear, which has been boosted as per Hotfix, and unlock the opportunity to purchase an Iron Banner item directly from Lord Saladin.
Completing every Bounty for the week earns you the Emblem Weight of Guilt. The Emblem tracks the number of opponents you’ve killed of a higher Power Level while under the effect of the Iron Burden debuff.
Other than all that the only thing that’s new for this season in Iron Banner is that an updated version of Orewing’s Maul has a chance to drop from match completions and Token Packages. It will drop with random rolls, so it’s worth going all out to get an optimal one.
Let us know at Destiny News Hub what you think of the changes that have been made to Iron Banner for Season of the Drifter in the comments. By the way, this is the awesome kind of Armour you can also earn next week.
Image Source: Bungie