Destiny News
Festival Of The Lost 2019 Detailed
Festival of the Lost has been detailed by Bungie for 2019. The Halloween event will be returning to the game on the 29th of October, lasting for two weeks until the 19th of November.

Festival of the Lost has been detailed by Bungie for 2019. The Halloween event will be returning to the game on the 29th of October, lasting for two weeks until the 19th of November.
To kick things off, Eva Levante is going to be redecorating the Tower like she usually does. Candles, lights, pumpkins, and decorations are going to cover the usually reserved Tower, leaving us all with a spooked feeling.

Eva Levante is our first port of call this year, she’ll get us started along the Festival of the Lost 2019’s questline. This will eventually lead to us getting our hands on some awesome gear, but it’ll start with the Masquerader Helmet. This year we need to earn Chocolate Strange Coins from Bounties and activities in order to purchase Festival of the Lost mask ornaments for the Masquerader Helmet. These are pretty awesome, check them out below.

Candy is also returning for this year’s Festival of the Lost. We use this Candy to purchase Mystery Grab Bags, but we can also purchase an event-exclusive weapon, the Braytech Werewolf Legendary Auto Rifle. The first one we acquire will be Masterworked, but after that we can earn more rolls of the weapon to try to find the optimal one. Check out an image of the weapon, which will drop at Power Level 950, below.

The Haunted Forest
The Haunted Forest will return for 2019, and thankfully it’s seen some changes, one of which we detailed in our recent article on the subject. As usual we’ll have 15 minutes to hunt down as many ghouls as possible, and claim the best rewards for the amount of work we put in.
Festival of the Lost Gear
In addition to the incredible Auto Rifle that’s on offer, we’ve also got some brand new gear up for purchase from the Eververse. There will be spooky skeleton armour ornaments, and even Jack-O’-Lanterns. Check out some of the stuff you can earn below.

One item that I’m particularly excited about is the Spooky Sparrow. This was an item that you could originally earn in the first ever Festival of the Lost, and it was just lying around the Tower. There’s also an awesome tombstone Emote that you can pick up, which is pretty damn scary.

That’s everything we know about so far for Festival of the Lost 2019. Be sure to keep an eye on the site and we’ll get as much detail as we can about the event up once if goes live next week.
Image Source: Bungie