Season of the Lost saw Xur start to sell Legendary weapons alongside his usual offering of Exotics. Suddenly, this opened up the floodgates for incredible weapons to become readily available outside of where they usually drop. I remember feeling lucky to acquire certain Hand Cannons, but two weeks ago I saw Xur selling it. The key difference here is obviously the roll, but Xur wouldn’t sell a rubbish one would he? One weird side effect that seems to be linked to the increased popularity in Trials of Osiris is that Xur now influences the activity.
So what do I mean by this? Well, a couple of weeks ago was the first time I’ve seen a Legendary weapon rise to the ranks in the Trials Report. So the top two contenders were Messenger with 4.1 million kills, followed by Vex Mythoclast, obviously, with around 4 million kills. Then, we have Main Ingredient with almost 2 million kills. The vast majority of Trials Guardians are going to use the Exotics they have at their disposal, particularly when one of them is so good it feels broken. However, the rest of us used what Xur was offering.
Xur was selling Main Ingredient that week, and it’s absolutely down to him that the weapon was so well used over the course of Trials of Osiris. Guardians hoping to do well saw an opportunity and they took it. The result was 2 million kills, or thereabout, which is about half of what the top weapon in the activity achieved over the same period. Honestly, that’s super impressive.
So what does this mean for Destiny 2 moving forward? I don’t really know, because Xur is well known for offering complete garbage as much as he offers something good. I think we need to assess where the weapons are each week, good or bad. It’s possible that there will be some weeks that are a miss, and Xur is completely irrelevant. More often than not though, I think he’ll define which Legendary weapons get the most kills in Trials over the weekend. Only time will tell.
Let us know if you purchased Main Ingredient from Xur that week specifically for Trials or just because you liked the look of it in the comments. We’d love to hear what you think of this idea.