Guardians Are Struggling To Play Destiny 2’s Campaign On Game Pass
You can get Destiny 2 on Game Pass, but tracking the campaign is an issue.

I’ve seen a lot of comments from Guardians in various locations all about the same thing. They’ve picked up Destiny 2 while it’s on Game Pass, with the two expansions as well, but they can’t actually follow the main story. They have no idea what they should be doing.
I don’t think this is an issue with the Guardians. Quite the opposite. When I first started playing Destiny 2, there was no other content out there apart from the main story. All we had was the Red War campaign, and it was easy to follow it from step to step. All you had to do was look at the one thing in your Director.
Now though, Destiny 2 is a bloated mess. There’s just too much in there for Guardians to do, to the point where it’s getting in the way of the core content they want to work through.
I feel like this is one of the reasons that Bungie is Vaulting a lot of content. Clearly there’s an issue when it comes to all of the locations in the game, and plotting a clear path to the next story mission.
However, this is an MMO and a shooter. It should be pretty clear at all times what you need to do next. I struggle to see why it needs to be complicated to progress the story at all.
In most other MMOs, the path forward is very clear. Players need to move through the story before they can get to the endgame grind, which forms the rest of their time with it. Here in Destiny 2 though, Guardians are being forced into grinding before they need to, purely because the UI is too complex.
Destiny 2: New Light is meant to be easy to understand, but right now it seems like Guardians can’t get their heads around it. Futhermore, it’s almost impossible to follow Destiny 2’s story. What is the situation going to be like when Beyond Light eventually hits then?
Hopefully Beyond Light brings some quality of life improvements with it that make the game’s story easier to follow. If not, then we may as well say goodbye to any hopes of a fresh face ever entering the system again. They won’t even be able to figure out how to load the game.
Let us know what you think about this pretty massive issue in the comments.
Image Source: IGN