Grab The Destiny 2 Visionary Emblem Right Now
The Visionary is an Emblem in Destiny 2 that only 30% of all Guardians have. Change that and get yours here.

One incredibly helpful Guardian by the name of kopsady on Reddit has explained that there’s an Emblem that many of us have missed. Not only is it a rare Emblem, as a result, it’s also a free one that you can grab for yourself right now.
First things first, the Emblem code is XFV-KHP-N97, don’t worry, as many Guardians as there are in the game can use this and it still won’t run out. Head over to the Bungie website to redeem it.
The really interesting thing about this Emblem is that so few Guardians actually have it. If you head to, you can search through all of the Emblems in the game, as well as your own collections. Here you can see that the percentage of Guardians who have The Visionary Emblem is only 30.58, at least it is at the time of writing. This is actually probably lower, because it only tracks those who have used the tracking site.
This is insane, mainly because it’s free. I’ve never heard of Guardians not jumping on a free Emblem or item, but maybe this one just passed a bunch of you by.
There are quite a few different free Destiny 2 codes out there. They’ve been collected together by various press outlets, but this The Visionary is one that I find particularly interesting.
This code was included at the end of a comic, which is why it’s free for anyone to use. It was originally a hidden section of morse code in the comics that were released on Bungie’s site in the lead up to the launch of Curse of Osiris.
This was a point in Destiny 2’s past when Bungie were extremely confused about what they were going to do to take the game forward. They also weren’t really able to produce too much free content for Guardians because of their partnership with Activision.
Now Bungie is always including free bits of content like this for Guardians to uncover. I think we’ll keep seeing stuff like this for years to come. Right now though, let’s bulk up the number of Guardians who have this Emblem, and spread that code around to everyone you know.
Let us know if you pick it up in the comments.
Image Source: Mobiles