Destiny News
Guardians Discover A New God Mode Glitch
Guardians have discovered a new glitch in Destiny 2 that allows them to become completely immune to damage. While the glitch can only be achieved in certain circumstances, and is only useful in a few small cases, it’s a very powerful glitch nonetheless that will make a lot of your lives much easier, while Bungie leaves it unpatched that is.

Guardians have discovered a new glitch in Destiny 2 that allows them to become completely immune to damage. While the glitch can only be achieved in certain circumstances, and is only useful in a few small cases, it’s a very powerful glitch nonetheless that will make a lot of your lives much easier, while Bungie leaves it unpatched that is.
We’ve seen a lot of glitches in Destiny 2 over the years, but this one really takes the piss, though I am quite impressed that someone was even able to discover it. In the video below you can see how to unlock the glitch, which will make you immune to damage and really quite good at killing some raid bosses by yourself.
How To Pull It Off
I wouldn’t say that this glitch is easy to pull off, but it’s not extremely complicated. The steps to accomplish the glitch are to first keep swinging your Sword until it no longer makes a noise. You need to pick up Heavy each time you run out, and then keep jump swinging until the noise has stopped. After that the process is really simple, but you need the Card Shuffle Emote.
Next you have to hit your Ghost button, then quickly dodge, achieving a Ghost Dodge, then Emote for a few seconds. It’s important to wait until there are no lights with the Emote. Then you jump and Heavy Swing your Sword, Emote, Ghost Dodge, Emote, jump and Heavy Swing, Emote, and Ghost Dodge. Now you should be in first person, Emote, Ghost Dodge, and Emote again.
This leaves you in first person, able to swap weapons and even shoot, but you won’t take any damage. The downside of the glitch is that you can’t see your weapon, and when you zoom in you’re relying on your skill alone to hit the target. As a result you need to line up shots with hip fire before zooming in to make those critical shots.
This glitch is limited to Raid encounters that allow a Raid Banner to be placed, but it will help with the final step for grabbing Wish-Ender. It’s a useful glitch for as long as it remains viable, but Bungie is aware of it and will probably patch it with the incoming Update 2.7.1.
Should You Use This?
I would advise against using this glitch. Even though it might make it easier to get Wish-Ender, it’s not how the game is intended to work. Bungie has noticed glitches before and punished those using them by taking away the rewards they’ve earned. With that aside, I think it also makes anything you do while the glitch is enabled illegitimate. Sure, you can solo a boss when you don’t take damage, but so can literally every other Guardian.
We’ll see later on today if Bungie patches the glitch. Let us know if you’ve used it in the comments.
Image Source: Reddit