Coldheart Exotic Trace Rifle Reveals A New Weapon Type

Now that Coldheart has been revealed as pre-order bonus for Destiny 2, we need to talk about what it might tell us, and what it definitely tells us, about the game proper. the thing I must start with is that Coldheart is an exotic weapon that is a timed exclusive for those who pre-order the game. Depending on where you pre-ordered the game you might not actually get the weapon, so if you’re very bothered I recommend you go and check if you will be receiving it at launch or not now.
Coldheart said two very big things to me when I saw it for the first time. Initially I thought we had a new element type, but I’m not so certain about that so we’ll need to explore it deeper. Second, we now definitely know about an entirely new type of weapon that we’ll be blasting the crap out of each other with, the Trace Rifle.
A Trace rifle seems to be a type of weapon that shoots a continuous blast of energy at an enemy. From the clips we’ve seen it seems as though you’ll be battling with recoil as it fires in a similar way to how you do when you fire a Machine Gun. I think the key element of the name is Rifle, meaning it will be similar to a Scout, Sniper, Pulse, and Fusion Rifle which all have scopes and can be aimed over medium to long distances.
The advantage of firing what is effectively a laser beam over a long distance means you can deal loads of damage in a short burst. The disadvantage is that you give away your position massively, which you wouldn’t do with a Sniper Rifle or other Kinetic Rifle because the bullet passes mostly unnoticed. However, I feel like the trade off here is acceptable given that the damage you’ll be dealing is more than likely akin to the amount you deal when blasting someone full in the face with a Fusion Rifle, deadly.
What really gets me about Coldheart is its name. Cold indicates a new kind of element, but we know from the promotional material shown so far that this weapon uses Arc damage. If something has cold at its heart, it’s icy right? I think Bungie is hiding a spoiler in plain sight with this one. Yes okay the weapon will be using Arc damage when we receive it, but there’s nothing to say it can’t use multiple elements.
If you played the beta for Destiny 2 then you’ll know that the element of a weapon is set by an elemental damage modification for it. This means you can switch out any element into a weapon, which is a bonus considering each weapon now only comes with a single set of unique perks.
I’m saying that Bungie is holding back on the announcement of an ice element here. I mean we have three core elements, and there’s a Subclass for each, so why shouldn’t there be an entirely new element that also features in the new Subclass list? Subsequently meaning we have a new elemental weapon mod.
Let me know what you think.
Image Source: GameRant