Where To Watch The Destiny 2 Season Of Dawn Reveal Livestream
Today at 10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm GMT Bungie will give us our first look at Season of Dawn, the next season to hit Destiny 2. With Season of the Undying coming to an end there will surely be some sort of epic ending event or cutscene, but this livestream will show us where the game is heading next.

Today at 10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm GMT Bungie will give us our first look at Season of Dawn, the next season to hit Destiny 2. With Season of the Undying coming to an end there will surely be some sort of epic ending event or cutscene, but this livestream will show us where the game is heading next.
Where to Watch the Livestream?
There are a few different places you could watch the livestream. Firstly, you could head to Twitch, where I can recommend two different places that it might be enjoyable to watch the reveal stream. The first is of course our own Destiny News Hub Twitch channel. We’ll definitely be hosting the stream, but we’re also working on getting set up so that we can watch it with you Guardians who read articles on the site. Our commentary may not add loads of detail or context, but it’ll be a fun time none the less.
The second place you could watch the livestream, if we’re having technical issues, is the actual Bungie Twitch channel. this is where most Guardians will be, but if you want to join in and be part of our community, it’s probably better that you use our Twitch channel.
Why Watch the Livestream?
You’re right if you think it might be better to catch the livestream later, once a VOD has been uploaded to YouTube. However, if you do that you’ll be missing out on getting the news about Season of Dawn as it releases. I like to keep on top of news like this, and really nothing beats watching the livestream as it’s broadcast.
Bungie will probably be responding to questions in chat as well, which means that you could interact with some developers at the time, as long as you’re participating in chat. This is a great way to get your questions seen, but given the huge number of Guardians watching, it’s not too likely that your question will be read out during the stream. Still, it’s worth a try.
Don’t forget to tune into the stream wherever you feel like watching it. It’s not one you’ll want to miss. Let us know if you manage to catch it in the comments.