Destiny News
Destiny: Xur’s Inventory for March 10th and 11th

Who is Xur?
Xur Agent Of The Nine, works for the mysterious group, The Nine. While Guardians have never seen The Nine, it is said that their influence is vast. Xur, the moss-tentacle-faced vendor visits social spaces once a week, bringing with him a variety of exotic items, which Guardians can purchase with Strange Coins.
Xur’s Location
After the announcement of the Age of Triumph Xur seems to have rejected the Tower in favour of the Reef! So here’s where you go. Go right from spawn and go down the stairs. There is an entrance ahead of you, and if you go in there, Xur will be on the right hand side like a real creepy guy, and let’s face it he is very creepy.
Xur’s Inventory
Exotic Weapon: Truth (Exotic Rocket Launcher) 17 Strange Coins
As far as exotic weapons go, this thing is one behind the Gjallarhorn. The exotic perks that make it are really interesting, starting with Prototype Trueseeker, which makes the rounds from the weapon seek their target aggressively. Another perk, Grenades and Horseshoes, detonates rounds depending on their proximity to enemies, meaning they’ll explode just when they’re close to the enemy instead of needing to hit them. These two perks make for a very interesting weapon, and as I said earlier they’re only second to the Gjallarhorn’s.
Keep an eye out for a more detailed analysis of the weapon later on today.
Exotic Helmet: Empyrean Bellicose (Titan class) 13 Strange Coins
On top of looking awesome this helmet should help you take you enemies by surprise. Its perk, Antigrav Thrusters, will hold you in place if you aim in the air, at least for a while. This way you can jump above some cover in the Crucible and destroy anyone who’s trying to hide from you. The perk also recharges your melee ability when you collect orbs and your Super is full.
Exotic Helmet: Knucklehead Radar (Hunter Class) 13 Strange Coins
Personally I think this is one of the greatest helmets in the game. while it looks like you’ve got a target right where your eyes should be, this helmet isn’t designed to help your enemies. Instead the perk, Sensor Pack, leaves your radar visible in your hud while aiming. This is really useful if you’ve got perks elsewhere that increase your speed while aiming, as it allows you to run and gun better than anyone out there.
Exotic Gauntlets: Nothing Manacles (Warlock Class) 13 Strange Coins
Sharing the theme of awesome looking armour this week, these Gauntlets will make a big difference to your Warlock. The exotic perk, Scatter Charge, allows tracking for Scatter Grenades, resulting in you getting more kills with those clutch grenades after your opponent runs off or hides just out of sight.
Legacy Engram: (Exotic Body Armour) 29 Strange Coins – The Legacy Engram will decode for a Year 1 or 2 piece of armour to complete your collection. Some of these items can be infused to Year 3 Light Level.
Three Of Coins (Consumable) 7 Strange Coins
Plasma Drive (Consumable) 23 Strange Coins
Emerald Coil (Consumable) 23 Strange Coins
Heavy Ammo Sythesis Consumable) 3 Strange Coins
Glass Needles (Consumable) 3 Strange Coins, 3 Motes Of Light, and 1 Exotic Shard
Our Take
With Age of Triumph coming soon you need to make sure you’ve got everything, so buying a Legacy Engram is a must I’m afraid. On top of that, Truth is one of the best weapons in the game, particularly among the heavy exotics. If it were us, we’d be buying Truth, and then whichever piece of armour we don’t currently own, though Knucklehead Radar does have the best name, perk, and look.