Destiny News
Xur Inventory Destiny 2 – April 20th to 23rd

Xur has come back to distract us from the fact that there’s a Bungie summit and loads of people are learning about Warmind who aren’t us! He’s over on Io which is also the Flashpoint, so it’s a bit of a bonus if you still want to do that this week. Let’s have a look at what he’s brought with him this week.
Exotic Pulse Rifle: Vigilance Wing – 29 Legendary Shards
Vigilance Wing is an interesting one, and was one of the early weapons from Curse of Osiris to be sold by Xur back when it launched.
The stats on this weapon are 530 Round fired per Minute, an Impact of 33, a Range of 64, Stability of 64, Magazine of 30, Reload Speed of 46, and Handling of 40. The hidden stats are a Zoom of 17, Inventory Size of 55, Aim Assistance of 60, and Recoil Direction of 79.
These stats are definitely weighed towards a stable weapon at long range, and the handling side of things leaves a lot to be desired, but wait until you see the Perks before you pass judgement.
The Exotic Perk, Harsh Truths, makes this weapon fire 5-round bursts, and gain health regeneration and increased movement speed when allies nearby die. Corkscrew Rifling slightly increases Range, Stability, and Handling Speed, Alloy Magazine reloads the weapon faster when the magazine is empty, Last Stand improves weapon performance when you’re the last one in the Fireteam standing, and Composite Stock slightly increases Stability and Handling Speed.
These Perks bring the weapon up a notch, especially because you can blast away with 5 rounds per shot, which makes mincemeat of pretty much all enemies, particularly those in the Crucible.
Exotic Hunter Helmet: Foetracer – 23 Legendary Shards
This helmet makes you look like some sort of desert stalker, increasing Mobility. The Exotic Perk, Relentless Tracker, visually marks targeted enemies, and deals more damage to ow-health enemies.
Exotic Titan Leg Armour: Peacekeepers – 23 Legendary Shards
This leg armour increases Mobility and Resilience. The Exotic Perk, Mecha Holster, reloads your stowed Submachine Guns, allowing you to ready them instantly.
Exotic Warlock Chest Armour: Vesper of Radius – 23 Legendary Shards
This armour increases Resilience and Recovery. The Exotic Perk, Planetary Torrent, makes Rifts release an Arc shockwave when they’re cast. Rift energy will also recharge faster when surrounded by enemies.
Honestly of everything this week it’s the Hunter Helmet I’d say you should go for. The weapon is also pretty great, it’s one I enjoy using in the Crucible, but there’s a lot to be said for Exotic armour with decent Perks.