Destiny News
Saint-14 Is Hinting At Trials Of Nine Returning
Earlier this week we got a hint that Trials of the Nine might be coming back to Destiny 2. Now with Saint-14 back in our lives, we’ve got yet another hint that Trials might be returning, though it should still be taken with a pinch of salt given the Crucible mode’s history.

Earlier this week we got a hint that Trials of the Nine might be coming back to Destiny 2. Now with Saint-14 back in our lives, we’ve got yet another hint that Trials might be returning, though it should still be taken with a pinch of salt given the Crucible mode’s history.
Saint-14 has been fighting the Vex for thousands of years, waging war against them like the one man army he is, but after he was freed we got told that he needed a bit of time to pull himself together before he could help us further.
Currently if you head over to see Saint-14 in the Tower then you’ll see a very familiar symbol. Check it out below.

After this week’s reset there are three quests from Saint-14, as well as this banner lying around in his area of the Tower. If this isn’t a huge hint from Bungie that Trials is coming back, I don’t know what is.
Moving onto those quests, they are as follows.
A Guardian’s Duty: Complete 8 Crucible, Vanguard, or Gambit Bounties.
Cornerstone: Gather 10 components from Vex, Fallen, and Cabal.
Tribute to Colonies: On Titan, defeat 100 enemies.
These quests will no doubt continue throughout the Season of Dawn, offering some more insight into Trials as they go. The thing is, with Saint-14 returned to us, everything has changed, and that too could be a big part of the return of Trials.
Saint-14 might be the vendor for Trials of the Nine when the event returns. This would make sense because the event has shifted from the Destiny 1 version called Trials of Osiris. Given that Osiris is back, but shifting through time looking into all the possible futures and pasts of the system, he’s a bit useless to us as a vendor.
If Trials of the Nine were to return it would be a brilliant day for Destiny 2. The game mode was extremely well loved, but it got a bit too complicated. It’s likely that Bungie is going to rework the event to be more in line with Trials of Osiris, which was simple to understand, if technically flawed.
If you’d like to see Trials of the Nine return, let us know in the comments.
Image Source: PCGamer
December 22, 2019 at 7:40 pm
Can you PLEASE explain on how the actual hell you got Trials of the NINE from this? Bungie has stated multiple times ToTN is on an Indefinite hiatus, and the entire area in which Saint-14 is located is covered in Osiris stuff.