Over the weekend, it looks like a lot of Guardians have been very busy looking into the potentially real name of Season 14 in Destiny 2, Season of the Splicer. While there’s a lot of evidence that makes this look completely real, I think there are still a lot of things that are up in the air around this. Let’s dive into what’s been found and uncover exactly what’s been going on.
The main piece of evidence that’s been found is from the code on Bungie’s website.
Two placeholder names for Season of the Splicer have been located. All this means is that the web developers have put this name in place so that they can find it later. But Bungie’s developers aren’t stupid. They definitely know that Guardians will be looking into this. Raid Secrets piped up on the subject over the weekend to add fuel to the fire. The name has now been removed, which makes it look even more credible right?
Here’s the thing, Season of the Splicer could be an internal name for the season’s real name. The fact that Splicer is in the title suggests to me that either SIVA or the Fallen House named Splicer are involved. The Splicers are simply mad scientists, so they could be doing anything.
Given what’s happened so far in Destiny 2’s story, I think that it would make sense for the Vex to be using SIVA to try to take the system again. All the rumours I’ve read about Season 14 from supposed leaks suggest that the Vex are the main focus. So why then would we look at the Fallen? The only reasonable explanation would be if Guardians work with the Splicers on Earth to fight the Vex.
That’s a lot of messy stuff in the story but think about it. During Season of the Chosen, we’ve been working with a portion of the Cabal. Why would it now be out of the question to work with a single House of Fallen? Especially those who have taken SIVA and made themselves more powerful. They know SIVA inside and out, and if the Vex are using it, we need that sort of ally on our side.
Let us know what you think in the comments.