Destiny News
What’s Coming in the Destiny 2 Content Gap for Season of the Chosen?
What is bungie holding back on?

Season of the Chosen has been pretty damn good so far. We’ve had meaningful content, and the addition of challenges that give us all a reason to return to the game each week. I’ve had a blast getting further this season than I ever have in any previous ones. However, we’re approaching a content gap. Instinct tells me that Bungie doesn’t have anything planned to fill it, but given how surprising the rest of the season has been so far, I reckon Bungie might have something awesome tucked up their sleeves.

The gap I’m talking about basically begins from this week. March 30 saw the addition of some new Strike content, but then there’s nothing until the next Iron Banner. After that, Guardian Games will take over from April 20 until May 9, but what’s going on for the rest of that time?
Bungie has been consistently adding new content to keep Guardians busy all season, and it’s felt good. It’s hard to believe that for the next four weeks or so, they’ll just give us a couple of events and nothing else in-between. It would be a very poor end to Season of the Chosen if that is the case.
Here’s the thing though, Bungie seems to have turned a corner with Season of the Chosen. The storytelling has been incredible, and the addition of Seasonal Challenges has been the best thing to happen in a long time. To mess all of that up by spacing out what amounts to recycled content for the final quarter of the season would ruin all the faith that the developer has built up with fans so far.
It’s possible that we’ll be getting some new story beats focused on the mysterious force that has been trying to force Guardians into all-out war with the Cabal this season. The assassination attempts have nearly killed Zavala a few times now, though they did drive Crow into revealing himself at last. That can’t be a bad thing.
My hope is that Bungie continues to tell this epic story and ramp things up towards the end of the season. I want to see things get tense, and have a satisfying conclusion for who is behind all of this espionage.
Let us know what you think should be happening in this content gap in the comments.