Destiny News
Fashion Shows Are Coming To Destiny 2
During their Armour 2.0 preview livestream Bungie said that they’d be celebrating fashionable Guardians with fashion shows in the future, and the community loves the idea.

During their Armour 2.0 preview livestream Bungie said that they’d be celebrating fashionable Guardians with fashion shows in the future, and the community loves the idea.
Destiny 2 offers a huge range of weapons and armour to customise Guardians with. There’s enough in there that Guardians could choose to wear one particular set, should it be their favourite, or they could mix and match, using Shaders as well, to create something completely unique. This system is being expanded upon with Armour 2.0, a system that allows for much deeper customisation in armour without sacrificing the perks and mods that Guardians need for their particular play style. For the first time ever in Destiny 2, armour will be both practical, and great-looking.
With armour finally moving from being equipped purely for the perks, Bungie wants to celebrate those who embrace their best-looking characters with a monthly competition. Each month they’ll showcase the best-looking Guardians, who will win the below Emblem.

Bungie hasn’t confirmed how they will celebrate these Guardians yet, but it’s likely to be similar to how they showcase community videos in their This Week At Bungie articles. I can imagine them creating an entire post about fashion in Destiny 2, and I think it’s really going to add a whole new element to the game. I can see the fashion show videos now.
As if all this wasn’t enough, in a very good way, the Destiny 2 community has already jumped on the bandwagon with a fashion-specific Subreddit. Be sure to join Destiny Fashion and submit your Guardians to get used to being fashionable in a game about shooting aliens right now! This Subreddit isn’t just for Guardians looking fashionable in-game either, it’s for cosplayers too.
Armour 2.0 will bring a lot of benefits to Destiny 2, but the fashion angle is probably the one that matters most in today’s culture. Many people want to express who they are through how they look, but they can’t do that if they’re actively hurting their ability to play a game. Most other MMOs have a system that allows players to bypass this issue, but until now Destiny 1 and 2 haven’t. This update has been a long time coming, and fashion shows in Destiny 2 have been a long time coming too. Now that Guardians can fully express themselves in the look of their characters, I expect to see some absolutely mad outfits in the field.
Let us know what you think of this fashion competition each month, and Destiny 2 fashion in general, in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie
Speaker of the Deep
October 30, 2019 at 3:44 pm
This feels like an honest attempt to bring Eververse sales up in D2, nothing more. I’m not saying they will, but if these fashion shows feature a lot of eververse ornaments; I won’t be surprised in the least.