Destiny News
Destiny 2 Year 1 Annual Pass Free For Forsaken Owners On September 17th
You’re not going mad at all, Bungie has a scheme that’s not only offering Destiny 2 content at a discount, but they’re also offering the next Annual Pass for free.

You’re not going mad at all, Bungie has a scheme that’s not only offering Destiny 2 content at a discount, but they’re also offering the current Annual Pass for free.
With both Shadowkeep and Destiny 2 New Light on the way, launching on the 1st of October, Bungie wants all Guardians to be up to date with the game’s latest content. This means that they want everyone to have played through the Forsaken campaign, witness that awful scene at the beginning, and the satisfying scene at the end. But to do this those Guardians need to invest in Forsaken, and for some that’s not an option at the current price point, particularly when you consider that the content is old, and there’s a new, much more relevant, expansion to invest time in with Shadowkeep.
Over on Twitter Bungie told Guardians that the Forsaken Complete Collection, which packages together the Forsaken expansion and the Annual Pass, will be offered at a discounted rate. On top of this, any Guardians who own the Forsaken expansion will be given the year 1 Annual Pass for free on the 17th of September.
Why is Bungie Giving Away the Destiny 2 Year 1 Annual Pass?
Bungie are keen to get players up to date with all the content currently available in Destiny 2. It’s possible to move your save over to a different platform with cross-save now, and with both Destiny 2 New Light and Google Stadia as an upcoming platform on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to invest in Destiny 2. Bungie wants everyone to have seen the content in the first Annual Pass so that they’ll understand what’s coming with year 2, even though it’s going to be slightly different with seasonal passes.
When Destiny 2 New Light launches there will be an influx of Guardians playing up to date content, apart from Forsaken and Shadowkeep. Making Forsaken more enticing now will mean more Guardians are up to date when the free-to-play version hits, and then those Guardians only need to invest in Shadowkeep if they want to get the latest Destiny 2 content.
Destiny 2 is bloated, there’s no denying it. Bungie is streamlining this with season passes, and seasons that actually end once the next one begins. This might feel like a gimmick to get more Guardians on board with spending money on an expansion that’s going out of date, but it’s quite important to help ease those new Guardians into the formula of Destiny 2.
Let us know if you’re one of the lucky Guardians getting the Annual Pass for free in the comments.
Image Source: Microsoft