Destiny News
Destiny 2 December And New Year Armour Updates

As part of the updates coming to fix up the state of Destiny 2 Bungie is adding something new to make armour a lot more interesting. Ornaments hit Destiny 2 on December 5th, but what exactly are they and how do they affect the game?
Ornaments have been added to a number of existing armour sets to allow for more customisation without losing the Shader slot or Mod slot. You unlock Ornaments by completing objectives that are specific to each armour set, and once you unlock them they’re unlocked account-wide. This is similar to the way Exotic Weapon Ornaments work.
If you had any pieces of armour that will now have Ornaments then they’ve either been applied or you can get them from Vendors. In Season 2, which began with the launch of the Curse of Osiris, we can get Ornaments for the following armour sets which are unlocked from their respective activities;
- Eater of Worlds Raid Lair Armour
- New Monarchy Armour
- Future War Cult Armour
- Dead Orbit Armour
- Iron Banner Armour
- Trials of the Nine Armour
- Crucible Faction Armour
- Vanguard Faction Armour
From December 12th Faction armour and weapons will be unlocked and purchasable from vendors for Legendary Shards and Faction Tokens. I don’t know about you but I’m pretty damn excited about this because it means I can finally complete my armour sets and get those awesome weapons to play around with in the Crucible.
The Armour you can buy will be available in all five slots and will rotate weekly, Weapons will work on a similar basis. You can unlock slots from each faction by claiming Reward Engrams from them. Any Engrams you’ve already claimed will count and you’ll be rewarded for them.
These Ornaments will ultimately do nothing other than make us all look a bit better, but is that really such a bad thing? With all the news about cosmetic items being put behind a paywall in other games, and in particular the outcry of fans saying the best gear in Curse of Osiris is locked behind the Eververse system, I think Ornaments can offer a silver lining. The important thing to remember about cosmetic items is that they define you, so if you’re a player who buys the cosmetics then you’ll get them that way, but if you’re a player who grinds for XP to earn them then you’ll wear everything you earn with pride in the knowledge of how you got it. At least it gives you something to worry about other than your Destiny elo. Let us know what you think of Armour Ornaments in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie