Destiny News
Bungie To Reveal Next Chapter Of Destiny 2 On The 6th Of June

Bungie have just Tweeted out an image with an associated image, telling all Guardians that they’ll be revealing the next chapter of Destiny 2 on the 6th of June. This is just before E3 kicks off, meaning that Bungie is likely hoping to get ahead of the big game reveals and shove their news in our faces first. By doing this they avoid getting lost in the slew of E3 2019 news, but it also means they can know that their news won’t get leaked ahead of the big press conferences.
The image that Bungie Tweeted is below if you want to check it out.

The next chapter in Destiny 2 is almost certainly a second Annual Pass of seasonal content. The Annual Pass that launched with Forsaken was the first of its kind for Destiny 2, and it seems to have paid off rather well, particularly if Bungie is renewing it for this year.
Destiny 2’s content is always started in September, which is the month when both Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 launched. Forsaken launched in September last year, and before that Rise of Iron and every other major Destiny content drop has done the same. It therefore makes sense that the second Annual Pass will start this September, bringing with it a new season of content to begin Destiny 2’s third year.
Usually every September brings the next large content drop for a Destiny game. Forsaken was a mammoth expansion that’s kept on giving content fright up until today. If Bungie are planning to release another big content drop then they’ve stayed very quiet about the whole thing, though that’s probably for the best.
E3 generally brings a big showcase of what Bungie have planned for Destiny 1 and 2, but this is the first E3 that Bungie is going to be an independent developer for. Activision have probably been footing the bill to put everyone at Bungie up in hotels and get the to E3 each year, regardless of when the game was featured in a press conference. With Sony stepping away from an E3 press conference this year, there’s no press conference that’s likely to feature Destiny 2 anyway.
This is why it’s most-likely that Bungie will do what Bioware is doing with Anthem. Recently Bioware hosted their own livestream for an upcoming in-game event for Anthem. EA have so far shown no signs of bringing the game to E3, and that means that Bioware have no chance of getting big news out to fans from the event. Both Bungie and Bioware are doing something different this year, in that they’re getting in touch with players directly, showing them the content they want, and getting direct feedback. They’re also building up excitement outside of the big E3 press conferences, which are always a bit much for me.
Let us know what you think about the next chapter of Destiny 2 in the comments.
Image Source: Twitter
June 1, 2019 at 3:45 am
Can’t wait to see how much recycled content this one uses. It’ll be more of the same. Bungie will not change with Activision gone. It was always Bungie making the bad choices.
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
June 1, 2019 at 5:50 pm
I would say the opposite, but you’re right that we’ll find out for sure on Tuesday!