Bungie looks to be doing a lot for Destiny 2 in Season 14. Season of the Chosen has brought some great improvements to the game, the storytelling and Seasonal Challenges being just two. However, the developer now needs to move its focus to the multiplayer modes to make the game fantastic again. In this article, I’m talking about the Crucible specifically.
Maps, Modes, Weapons, Armor, and More
As I mentioned in my similar piece on Gambit, the Crucible needs something else to chase if it’s going to be enjoyable again. Most Guardians head straight for the mode that awards the best gear in the game, Trials of Osiris, leaving Crucible to sit there for the middling Guardians to use. I do understand that it’s more widely used than that, but it feels stale.
Bungie needs to add more maps, weapons, and armor to chase. If the gear was locked behind very specific challenges, that would be even better. Currently, I play Crucible only to get the Ornament for the Pinnacle Weapons each season. I’d love more of an excuse to return.
New maps and modes would almost certainly get more Guardians back into this game mode. While I agree that Stasis needs to be tweaked, Crucible’s issues are deeper set than that. With new modes, Guardians would have more to work on. Putting these out slowly would also show that Bungie does care about this pillar of Destiny 2. The modes could rotate in and out of the Destiny Vault, with some being reworked like Destiny content is.
Iron Banner is Too Old
Iron Banner isn’t the even it was designed to be. It doesn’t matter what gear you have, you can sit in the game mode’s playlist and earn all the progression and gear you need in a single week. It’s boring at this point, and I’ve grown to loathe it.
At one time, Destiny 1 Guardians were always excited for the game mode to return. Now though, I think we’re all a little embarrassed by it. Bungie should vault the game mode, or revamp it entirely without a vaulting. It’s always Control, it’s always disappointing, and most of the content is recycled from previous seasons.
If Bungie wants to give Guardians a way to earn older gear, there should be a specific legacy bounty board. In-game events used to be the best part of the game, but they’ve slowly fallen into the realms of unplayability because they’re so ignored by the developer. Bungie needs to work on this area next, otherwise Iron Banner may as well not exist at all.
Let us know how you’d alter the Crucible in the comments.