Equinox is a Crucible map in Destiny 2. It was added with the Forsaken expansion, and the game has never really been the same since. Whenever this map pops up I get a little feeling of anxiety, and I think quite a lot of other Guardians share this. In this article, I want to explore the good and the bad about this map, because there are some great arguments for both.
First, I just want to point out that this topic is a hot one with Crucible fans in particular. They want it taken out of rotation, but I’m not sure it’s that bad.
Okay, so let’s just say it. This is a terrible map if you’re not a professional Crucible fan who never plays anything else. It has corners everywhere, and paths that make literally no sense. You can’t orient yourself once you spawn, and all the more experienced Guardians use this to their advantage. There’s one game mode that this map is good for, and that’s because it removes the indicators of where all the other Guardians are on the map.
On the other hand, this is a brilliant map for Trials of Osiris, Showdown, and all game modes that put you in a limited team with high stakes. I love playing on this map in these game modes because you’re running on pure instinct. Both teams are too afraid to be too cocky, so you’re forced to check corners and be as stealthy as possible.
Even when firefights crop up, Guardians are way more considered in their actions. Using a grenade too early will be your downfall. Playing smarter is so much more fun than playing like you’ve got endless lives. You’ve got to keep the momentum going, but you don’t want to overdo it. That’s where the corners and corridors and not being able to orient yourself come in.
Ultimately, there will always be Guardians who both hate and love this map. I reckon it’s one of the best for those specific modes, but it definitely needs to be taken out of rotation for all the others. With so many Guardians swarming the battlefield, the chaos just doesn’t work very well. Let us know what you think in the comments.