Fallout Plays Is An Incredibly Wholesome Destiny 2 Streamer
Recently an incredibly wholesome Destiny 2 moment happened within the community. A 9 year-old boy needed help getting to Legend rank in Competitive in Crucible, and he’d never done it before. Thankfully, a streamer and his mate were around to help out, and it’s one of the best moments of Destiny 2 in 2020 so far, if not the best. Check out the video of the highlights below and read on after for more details.

Recently an incredibly wholesome Destiny 2 moment happened within the community. A 9 year-old boy needed help getting to Legend rank in Competitive in Crucible, and he’d never done it before. Thankfully, a streamer and his mate were around to help out, and it’s one of the best moments of Destiny 2 in 2020 so far, if not the best. Check out the video of the highlights below and read on after for more details.
Fallout Plays
Fallout Plays is a Destiny 2 streamer, and he occasionally helps out others. In this case he came across a 9 year-old boy called CJ who had never hit Legend in Competitive Crucible. Upon hearing this, Fallout Plays and his friend, Rhythm, decided to help CJ out.
Together these guys make some super dicey plays, but they manage to come out on top more often than not. For someone who has never been that great at the Crucible, having a couple of streamers who play it all the time to help out definitely looks to have made things much easier.
As reported by Polygon, Fallout Plays did this randomly, it was all an accident. He also said that the hardest thing was not swearing whilst working with CJ. Obviously these streamers don’t have the best language, so keeping on top of it must have been incredibly hard for them, particularly because there are two of them in this one stream.
Apparently CJ was really great as a Guardian, even using Leviathan’s Breath, not something that most Guardians think about using in PVP. I don’t even have Leviathan’s Breath, so I’m just impressed that CJ has it at all, let alone that he’s good with it. It doesn’t end there though, apparently CJ is just generally awesome with most weapons, switching between them to complement his supporting streamers.
Fallout Plays had a good chat with CJ’s dad after the guys had hit Legend. The dad was very proud of his son, and was grateful that the streamers had taken the time to help his son.
I think that our community needs more stories like these, and with streamers like this I can see so many more of them coming along in 2020. Let us know what you think of Fallout Plays’ efforts in the comments.
Image Source: YouTube