Cardiologist Spots Brilliant Crimson Days Easter Egg
At least one of the cardiologist Guardian crew we all know are out there has pointed out an amazing easter egg in some of the Crimson Days 2020 content. The easter egg is obvious to them because of their training, and where their minds go upon immediately seeing a heart associated with the names of the Exotic Sparrows you can earn this year.

At least one of the cardiologist Guardian crew we all know are out there has pointed out an amazing easter egg in some of the Crimson Days 2020 content. The easter egg is obvious to them because of their training, and where their minds go upon immediately seeing a heart associated with the names of the Exotic Sparrows you can earn this year.

The Guardian who brought this to everyone’s attention is Reddit user DocFob. They begin by explaining that the Exotic Sparrows Guardians can earn this year in Crimson Days create a heart between them when rode together. They add that as a cardiologist, the names of these Sparrows, SVC-12 and IVC-10, show a connection that’s impossible for someone who works with hearts for a living to miss.
SVC-12 is apparently an easter egg that teases the Super Vena Cave vein. This vein returns blood from the top part of the body back to the heart. IVC-10 on the other hand, stands for the Inferior Vena Cava vein, which returns blood from the lower part of the body to the heart. Together, these veins complete a perfect circuit of the body, allowing the heart to pump blood around the entire body and keep it alive.
The fact that a complete heart is formed when these Sparrows are ridden side by side shows that this was a completely intentional link on someone’s part at Bungie. It could be that the event team came up with the idea while thinking about ways to make Crimson Days more interesting this year. It’s also possible that the art or animation team have had this easter egg up their sleeves since Destiny 2 launched, and have been waiting for an opportunity to get it out there.
It might even be possible that a friend of someone on the development team at Bungie just mentioned that this would be a fun thing to see in the game in passing one day. They may have no idea of the influence that they’ve had over the game, and it’s best time limited event.
The only aspects of the Exotic Sparrows that remain a mystery even to DocFob are the significance of the numbers 12 and 10. They speculate that it’s possible these numbers relate to Bungie employees in some way. I’ve definitely heard something in the past about how every employee at Bungie has a number, like a football team, so all we need to do now is work out what the link is.
What do you think the numbers mean? Let us know in the comments.
Image Source: The Sixth Axis, Polygon