Destiny 2 Crimson Days 2020 Rewards Guide

Crimson Days 202 is only live for a week, so it’s down to you Guardians to make the most of it with whatever time you have to play Destiny 2. We’ve already looked at one of the potential rewards from the event this year, The Vow, but now we’re going to look at a bunch of others that you can earn this year, if you’re lucky.
Purchasable Rewards
While there are some rewards with Crimson Days that must be earned, there are also loads that you can simply purchase. These are really great because they’re part of a time limited event, and they require work in order to purchase, but they aren’t locked behind impossible tasks. To buy these rewards you just need Confectionary Hearts, the Crimson Days currency. This can be earned from completing event exclusive Bounties, and completing Crimson Doubles matches.
- Ghost Shell: Tirastrella – 25 Confectionary Hearts
- Exotic Sparrow: Undeterred – 50 Confectionary Hearts
- Legendary Bow: The Vow (960 Power) – 100 Confectionary Hearts
- Wardcliff Coil Ornament: Dieselpunk – 125 Confectionary Hearts
- Exotic Sparrow: SVC-12 – 50 Confectionary Hearts
- Exotic Sparrow: IVC-10 – 50 Confectionary Hearts
- Emote: Flaunting Dance – 150 Confectionary Hearts
- Warmhearted Gift – 15 Confectionary Hearts
Don’t bother with Warmhearted Gifts until you have everything else. While these do drop everything you love, you’ve got a better chance of grabbing the rewards you want if you purchase them directly.
Best Ways To Earn Confectionary Hearts
There are a few ways to earn Confectionary Hearts this year. The first is by completing Bounties from Lord Shaxx. He’s got a rotating Daily load of four, each of which will award 15 Confectionary Hearts upon completion. There is also a weekly Bounty to complete the Nightfall as a pair, and another to complete a total of seven Crimson Days Bounties. Both of these will award 75 Confectionary Hearts.
The best Nightfall for speed is The Inverted Spire. it’s super easy in general, and pretty easy in a smaller group.
Other than those ways, the best way to grab Confectionary Hearts is to complete Crimson Doubles matches. It’s important to finish these matches, even if it looks like you’ll lose, because you get awarded upon completion of the match, regardless of the outcome. I managed to earn 100 Confectionary Hearts in one night by completing four Bounties, and finishing Crimson Doubles matches, in one evening. That’s why I now own The Vow.
Sugary Shell
Sugary Shell is a Ghost Shell, a highly coveted Ghost Shell, that’s exclusive to Crimson Days. Bungie hasn’t advertised it, but you can earn it this year. To get it you need to complete the nine Triumphs for Crimson Days, which will also award you a nice Emblem.
- Earn all of Lord Shaxx’s Rewards, apart from the Exotic Sparrows
- Complete a total of 22 Crimson Doubles matches (wins or losses)
- Win a total of 11 Crimson Doubles matches
- Defeat a total of 77 Guardians while they are near their partner with the Reunited buff active
- Defeat a total of 77 Guardians while they are away from their partner
- Defeat a total of 77 Guardians after killing their partner
- Earn two Blood for Blood medals by avenging your partner
- Complete a total of 11 Crimson Doubles matches
- Complete a Nightfall while in a fireteam of two Guardians
I have this Ghost Shell, and can confirm that it’s delicious. Let me know what you think of it in the comments.