Watch Raiding Against Cancer Today
Sometimes we don’t all make it out alive. Eris Morn is constantly reminding us of this, and while me might all make jokes about it, some of us do fall in battle. While death can be a terribly sad subject, we’re seeing a pleasantly refreshing reaction from one Guardian’s clan to their death.

Sometimes we don’t all make it out alive. Eris Morn is constantly reminding us of this, and while me might all make jokes about it, some of us do fall in battle. While death can be a terribly sad subject, we’re seeing a pleasantly refreshing reaction from one Guardian’s clan to their death.
Raiding Against Cancer
Raiding Against Cancer is the post that LarrySteeze made on Reddit recently, sharing what their clan is planning to do today. The group of Guardians are getting together for a 24 hour livestream. They’ll be taking donations for the American Cancer Society, and will be raiding their way through Destiny 2 for the entire stream together, working as one in memory of their friend.
The clan, Spirit Animals, have created a new stream channel for the event here. It may or may not see action after today, but that’s where you can catch them. The stream will run from 12pm EST on the 22nd of February until the same time on the following day, the 23rd of February. Their donation platform is here.
The Guardian being honoured with this livestream was called killerklown736. He was part of the clan for two years, and since they’re a casual clan it seems like it was the best place for someone battling with colon cancer. After two years killerklown736 finally lost their battle with cancer, an unfair fight.
It’s touching to see Guardians pull together in this way when one of our own falls. We play together from everywhere around the world, and may not even meet each other. What we can say is that we’re friends though, and in clans that can go a long way. Obviously killerklown736 had a massive impact on their clan’s lives, and that shows in this livestream effort.
Whatever you’re doing today, whether you’re playing Destiny 2 or are out and about, take a bit of time to tune into the stream and show your support. You don’t have to donate, but if you can I’m sure that everyone with cancer who you manage to help will thank you profusely for it.
Let us know if you manage to catch the stream in the comments.
Image Source: YouTube