Check Out This Guardian’s Fantastic Drawing Of Riven
One Guardian has created some incredible fan art for Destiny 2. This piece in particular looks at Riven of a Thousand Voices, the boss at the end of the Last Wish raid, and a creature who admittedly we could think of as someone else entirely. Check out the artwork below and bask in its glory. Then read on for some more details.

One Guardian has created some incredible fan art for Destiny 2. This piece in particular looks at Riven of a Thousand Voices, the boss at the end of the Last Wish raid, and a creature who admittedly we could think of as someone else entirely. Check out the artwork below and bask in its glory. Then read on for some more details.

The artwork comes courtesy of PJM on Twitter. they actually share a lot of fan art over on their profile, all of which is incredible and you should definitely check it out.
Riven of a Thousand Voices, as I already mentioned, is the boss at the end of the Last Wish raid. She is a creature that has questionable motives in the Destiny universe, ones which haven’t been fully explored in many Guardian’s opinions. It’s believed that she was under the control of another member of Crota’s family, Savathun, which has sort of been backed up by Bungie when one Guardian maxed out their Power Level to 999.
When Riven was killed, the world of Destiny 2 changed forever. Suddenly there was a curse on The Dreaming City that began to cycle, and it’s this cycle that seems to be going on forever and ever. In one way, Riven’s presence will be felt forever in the Awoken’s homeland, but in another it’s also a sing of her death.
Riven is/was an Ahamkara, the same species that Guardians wear on certain Exotic Gauntlets and Helmets. She served Mara Sov within The Dreaming City before being Taken by Oryx, and then serving Savathun after the guardians killed Oryx. In many ways she is integral to the Destiny 2 timeline, and in others she is just a small piece that was knocked aside as we moved on to bigger enemies.
Ultimately Riven is part of the storyline of the family of Crota. Guardians have been fighting this family for a very long time, and it seems as though they’ll continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I can’t wait to see where the storyline goes with Savathun, maybe we’ll get a resurrected zombie Riven.
Let us know what you think of Riven, and the artwork, in the comments.