Destiny News
What Will The Dawning Bring To Destiny 2?

The Dawning, an event that celebrates Christmas in the Tower is coming to Destiny 2. In Destiny 1 The Dawning brought with it gifts for all Guardians, as well as a secret or two to unlock. Most of the Vendors usually have a gift to give, including Eris Morn who likes to hand out boxes of raisins or celery. In the absence of the usual state of the Tower and the normal Vendors scattered about the Tower and the Farm what can we expect from The Dawning this year?
Well firstly both social spaces are being completely changed for the event, giving them falling snow and bright lights in the sky. This is a pleasant change from the normal way these areas look and brings snowball fights to them as well. That’s right from snow piles in each social space you can pick up a snowball and blast your friends in the face, for epic bragging rights all through The Dawning. It’s important to note that for the duration of the event these snowballs will be in Strikes as well, and you’ll be able to blast enemies in order to stun them, leaving them open for massive damage.
In the Crucible Mayhem will be returning as part of The Dawning. Mayhem is a mode in which abilities and Supers are charged at an increased rate, and Power Ammo is more plentiful. This makes for manic matches in which Guardians brutally rip each other apart with a huge flurry of space magic that not only looks great but feels awesome too.
Players will need to earn Dawning Engrams throughout The Dawning in order to earn the event-specific gear, which looks incredible. You can buy these by completing Crucible matches and Strikes, and all other milestones each week during the three week event.
Finally, there will be an opportunity to give Vendors gifts this year. You need to pick up a Dawning gift schematic from the Bazaar in the Tower, which you need to travel to different worlds in order to craft. When you give that gift to the Vendor it’s designed for then you’ll get one in return. This seems more like what Christmas is about and feels more like a game than a gift-receiving simulator. Let us know your thoughts int he comments.
Image Source: Bungie