One Thousand Voices – Fashionably Late
Before you jump on me, I know Forsaken was released over a year ago. And yes, feel free to judge the fact that I am just now killing Riven. More important is the fact that I received one of the rarest weapons in the game. After days of raiding, among the jealous Omnigul-esque screeches of my clanmates, I was blessed with the holiest of drops. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

Before you jump on me, I know Forsaken was released over a year ago. And yes, feel free to judge the fact that I am just now killing Riven. More important is the fact that I received one of the rarest weapons in the game. After days of raiding, among the jealous Omnigul-esque screeches of my clanmates, I was blessed with the holiest of drops. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
One. Thousand. Voices.
As soon as I got the fusion rifle, I was not sure about writing a review. After all, the raid was back in 2018. But with the encouragement of the staff here at Destiny News Hub, I’m here. But we all know about damage numbers. What does it feel like? How will players feel while using it? Well buckle up boys and girls, I’ve got a story to tell.
There are many ways to review a weapon. Aesthetics, damage, handling. I had all of these in mind when I played around with 1k. But – oh boy – I was barely thinking about those. I had packed it along for Scourge of the Past, and I was tasked with killing ads. Before, I had thought that the apex of destruction was ripping my enemies to fleshy bits. That was before. Before I heard the teachings of the 1k.
There are many ways to review a weapon. Aesthetics, damage, handling. I had all of these in mind when I played around with 1k. But – oh boy – I was barely thinking about those. I had packed it along for Scourge of the Past, and I was tasked with killing ads. Before, I had thought that the apex of destruction was ripping my enemies to fleshy bits. That was before. Before I heard the teachings of the 1k.
I can remember the first moment. A small troupe of fallen. Midrange. They had the nerve of being alive. I pulled out 1k, a small whisper announcing its presence. I pulled down the trigger and I felt the gun growl. The flames on the sides burned brighter as the weapon released a blasphemous eruption. A molten ray of glorious annihilation ripped through the pack of ads, melting away any chance of existence. And as if that display was not euphoric enough, the gun released its song. A glorious opera of death and ashes, a choir of chaos – truly One. Thousand. Voices. The line of death exploded, ripping apart ashes into shadows.
Damage, reload, magazine size – it all faded into nothingness. My entire argument was summed up with my demented laughter and the hunger to see more gore.
It broke my heart to see Gjallarhorn left back in Destiny One, but this gun helps as a decent coping mechanism. It says fusion rifle on the box, but it handles more like the result of a wild night of passion between a trace rifle, Gjallarhorn, and Godzilla. Its perks are beastly as well: they had me at “long continuous beam of death.” In addition to this extravagant ray of bone-melting sunshine, the beam explodes. Hell yes. Let’s not overlook the fact that this isn’t just a glorified Telesto. The beam is, indeed, continuous. You can spread the shot out like any fusion. But that’s limited thinking. A better way to put it is that you… paint. Except, the paint is the molten center of the sun, the brush has been ripped from the carcass of a millennia-old space dragon, and the fun little picture you’re making is one where your enemies don’t exist.
And – oh boy – the utility. Horde of enemies? Floosh. Zap. Chewy yellow bar? Floosh. Floosh. Zap. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a boss you can’t melt away with a 1k magazine outside of raids. The gun is wild and free wheeling. You are an artist of death, but the brush acts out of its own accord. Take a closer look. The gun is made of the bones of some wicked beast, with wires and bulbs poking in and out of the top. Now look even closer. There’s no trigger. Yes, the fire machine has no controls. But once you’ve dipped your toe into this gun, it hardly matters. It sees enemies and deletes them. Its purpose is death. Fire onto the ground or wall in front of you? Too bad. You’re dead.
And PvP. I respect my fellow guardians and their combat skills, but the gun nearly humiliates anyone unfortunate enough to be in your sights. Even when you are killed mid-beam, it’s almost worth it to see the ensuing explosion punt the broken body of your enemy up to the heavens like a 4th quarter field goal.
The beauty. The savagery. The burning explosions. It makes up for the lengthy raid. 1k Voices is just one of those guns that puts a sadistic grin on my face. But be warned. Once you start listening to the poetry of One Thousand Voices, it can be quite convincing.
Image Source: Destinypedia
joe m.
November 11, 2019 at 4:23 am
this article made me smile, lovely piece!