Is Heir Apparent The Best Exotic Machine Gun In Destiny 2?
Underestimate Heir Apparent at your peril.

Heir Apparent is the Exotic Machine Gun that you can unlock by playing through the Guardian Games event that’s on in Destiny 2 right now. However, this is just another event-exclusive Exotic, so we’re here to tell you why it’s worth going for.
Let’s start out by checking the stats and perks on Heir Apparent.
- Impact – 39
- Range – 69
- Stability – 62
- Handling – 70
- Reload Speed – 55
- Rounds per Minute – 900
- Magazine – 115
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 90
- Inventory Size – 50
- Recoil Direction – 75
- Zoom – 0
- Intrinsic Perk: Heavy Slug Thrower – Pressing the aim button spools the weapon’s chamber, getting it ready to fire
- Armour of the Colossus – While aiming (spooling) with full health Heir Apparent will generate an Arc Shield
- Corkscrew Rifling – Slightly increases range, stability, and handling speed
- Appended Mag – Increases magazine size
- Combat Grip – Greatly controls recoil
There isn’t much competition in Exotic Machine Guns in Destiny 2. First you have Thunderlord, a ridiculous weapon that somehow summons lighting from above to destroy your enemies. While it’s a fun weapon to use, it doesn’t sound as powerful as quickly firing and generating a shield.
Then we have Xenophage, a weapon that’s been both the best and worst in the game. Again, this is a great Exotic, but it doesn’t have the added perk that balances it out like Heir Apparent does with this shield.
On top of how powerful Heir Apparent looks in the stats and perks department, Guardians are absolutely loving it. The weapon smashes a few different raid encounters, and with another Intrinsic Perk to automatically reload weapons from reserves, you are literally laughing at how much damage you’re doing to enemies.
This is definitely the best Exotic Machine Gun in Destiny 2 to date, but it’s also a great reason to actually bother with Guardian Games. Until reports of this weapon being useful came out, the event seemed extremely strange and dull.
If you needed an excuse to get through Guardian Games, this is it. There really are very few reasons to bother with the event at all, but this makes it all okay. It’s just a shame that this is the only reason to bother with the event.
Let us know what you think of Heir Apparent in the comments.
Image Source: Forbes