The Last Season Of Dawn Lore Story Shows How Similar Osiris And Ikora Are

This last piece of lore from Bungie, that was released in the lead up to Season of Dawn, paints a picture of Osiris and Ikora as two very similar people. However, we know that Ikora is a leader in the Vanguard, and Osiris was ostracised, cast out of the Tower by the Speaker for his crazy theories and experiments. So why are they so different?
Osiris was Ikora’s teacher, the man she looked up to and admired as one of the greatest Warlocks in the system. But Osiris became obsessed with the Vex, with time, and with splitting himself into thousands of pieces to examine what the Vex were planning in an infinite number of timelines.
Ikora had to watch as the man she admired was transformed from a visionary into this crazy hermit who was basically trying to convince people that the end of the world was coming. He’s one of those people who is so smart that they just come across as mental, and that scares most people.
Unfortunately, Osiris was right to do what he did in many ways. The Vex almost made it to the correct set of events that would allow them to take over the system. Now, in Season of Dawn, Osiris’ Sundial is being used to fight back against the Cabal and save Saint-14, although it’s the existence of the Sundial that is the problem in the first place to be honest.
Ikora and Osiris are now striving for the same thing, the ultimate survival of the system against all odds, but Osiris is just far more extreme about it. Ikora works with the Vanguard, convincing them to help out and work against the enemies of the Tower where she sees them attacking. Osiris would just take the resources and go off on a one man mission, and he’s stupid to do so.
Ultimately what we see in this final piece of lore is that Osiris and Ikora are extremely similar. She still looks up to him as her master, but she sees now where she must be different to avoid becoming him and making the mistakes he has. The Sundial is a machine that Ikora would never have made, she wouldn’t be that stupid. Unfortunately Osiris is, but at least we’ve got a new activity out of it.
Let us know what you think of this lore in the comments.
Image Source: Reddit