Should Destiny 2 The Witch Queen Re-Visit The Dreadnaught?
Next year, should we return to Saturn’s rings?

Earlier this year, Bungie took an unprecedented step and revealed their plan for major expansions for the next three years. Even before Beyond Light launched, we knew that we’d be facing off against Savanthun next year in The Witch Queen. It’s so popular that one Guardian even made a theme song for it. But where should this expansion be set?
There are two options as far as I can tell. The first is The Dreadnaught, which was added to Destiny with The Taken King expansion. This was an incredible yearly expansion, and it set the benchmark for all future content to build on. I remember it as one of the best, if not the best outside of Rise of Iron.
Part of what made The Taken King so great is The Dreadnaught. This is a colossal Hive ship that detonated a ridiculously powerful weapon in Saturn’s rings whilst The Awoken were attempting to destroy it. Oryx, The Taken King himself, was destroyed as part of that campaign, but evidence of his presence always remains.
The Dreadnaught didn’t make it across to Destiny 2. It’s one of the few areas that entered the Destiny Content Vault when Destiny 2 launched. It makes sense, since no one was playing much of The Taken King when Destiny 2 launched, though it is still a part of Destiny 1.
Now however, we have a Hive Queen to worry about. One of the most powerful Hive we’ll ever come up against. The Dreadnaught is the perfect place for her to start an invasion from. All she needs to do make her way to that dead ship, and she’ll instantly have a second one to attack the system with. It’s diabolical.
Returning to The Dreadnaught would be just as much of a treat as having the Cosmodrome back is. It’s a familiar area that veteran Guardians can run around blind, but now it’s fulled with all sorts of new content. Bungie has also made every encounter better, without removing any nods to the game’s past.
I would love to see a return to The Dreadnaught at some point. It’s full of hidden areas to explore, and was the setting of one of the longest collectible quests in Destiny history. With that said, I also enjoy the idea of us getting a brand new area. Old Chicago.
I’ll be exploring that in a future post though. For now, let us know what you think of a return to The Dreadnaught in the comments.