Season Of The Worthy – What’s In A Name?
Since Shadowkeep launched we’ve had a steady stream of seasons in Destiny 2 that have only gotten better and better. It feels like Bungie is learning from each one, improving the next, and giving us more of what we want, and less of the stuff that’s to out there, or would harm the game. Those seasons have all been related to a character, and up until now it’s been pretty obvious who they are before the season starts.

Since Shadowkeep launched we’ve had a steady stream of seasons in Destiny 2 that have only gotten better and better. It feels like Bungie is learning from each one, improving the next, and giving us more of what we want, and less of the stuff that’s to out there, or would harm the game. Those seasons have all been related to a character, and up until now it’s been pretty obvious who they are before the season starts.
Seasons By Name
Season of the Undying was all about The Undying Mind, a Vex Mind that defied odds and came back from the brink of death to cause havoc once again. We fought the Vex, pushed them back, and moved onto Season of Dawn. This one’s name was a little harder to work out until we saw all the marketing material. Saint-14 is a defender who uses the Ward of Dawn, hence the season’s name being Season of Dawn.
Now we’re faced with a puzzle, Season of the Worthy. It’s not clear who this relates to, but we’ve got a couple of options that we think you might agree with, if you have the time to think about them.
Humanity Is Worthy
The first potential link between the season’s name and content is the action of proving to Rasputin that humanity is worthy of being saved. We need to activate Rasputin in order to have it defend Earth from the giant weapon in space that’s on a collision course with it. If we don’t prove to Rasputin that humanity is worthy, then maybe it won’t bother saving us at all.
The second potential reason that next season is called Season of the Worthy is because Guardians have to prove themselves worthy in Trials of Osiris once again. This pinnacle PVP activity is all about being the best of the best, and being worthy enough to earn a visit to the Lighthouse. This is where the best gear in Season of the Worthy will be coming from, and only those worthy enough will be able to get it.
There could be a number of other links to worthiness that we’re just not aware of in Destiny 2 just yet. Two of the main characters look like they’ll be Zavalla and Ana Bray, either of whom could prove to have some sort of link to being worthy. It’s just possible that Ana is the worthy descendent of some sort of control over Rasputin.
Let us know what you think of the worthy link in the comments.
Image Source: GamesRadar